• Staying Over •

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Chan's pov:

I went back to the office after getting yelled at. I couldn't stand being in that room any longer after my long time crush just yelled at me that way.

My hand trembled as I placed it on the handle of the office door. I opened the door and saw Changbin working and my papers being all gathered up even though I had left them scattered. He must have fixed him or could he? I went over to my seat and looked at my computer.

There was a sticky note placed at the right bottom of it. It was from Changbin. I smiled as I took it off my monitor to read it properly. I can't believe he signed it of with "bin" and a little smiley.

I got to work before he could say anything about me not working.
It was now about time to leave when Changbin spoke up.

Changbins pov:

I looked up at the clock and saw that it was about time to leave. I looked over and saw Chan working with a slightly tear stained face.

I felt really guilty for yelling at Chan to the point he wouldn't even argue back. I must have really hurt him, I mean he did cry. I wanted to make it up to him. Maybe the cafe nearby? I'll ask.

"Hey Chan?"

He looked up at me and gave me a confused looked.

"Wanna go to the cafe nearby when we leave?"

"Um sure.."

"Okay then I'll drive but start packing we almost leave."

He gave me small nod and started putting papers away. I did the same and saved everything on my computer before signing out.

Once I was done I waited for Chan to be finished. He got his sweater and then went up to me.

"Got everything?"

He nodded and then we left the building. We got to my car and we both got in. The car ride was silent which was understandable, I mean we always argue. The awkwardness was cut short as we had arrived at the cafe.

Chan's pov:

Theres no fucking way that the Changbin who's always arguing with me asked to go to a cafe and he's being nice to me?! What's going on? He was yelling at me like an hour what the actual fuck.

I'm not complaining though. I love this side of him, where he's not angry at me.

We got to the cafe and we got out HIS CAR LIKE OMG. But yes we arrived and stepped into the cafe. I got an iced green tea because I'm not a big fan of coffee and he got an iced americano.

"Oh fuck, Changbin I forgot my wallet" I said as I touched my front and back pockets.

He gave me smile. Omg ima die.

"Don't worry Chan, I'll pay"

"Thank you!"

He paid and we went to sit at a table while we waited for our drinks. He looked at me and then started speaking.

"Chan I'm sorry for yelling at you the way I did."

I sat there in shock. The Seo Changbin, the one who was literally calling me annoying,a bitch and useless is apologizing to me?! Omg what in the y/n is this.

"It's okay Changbin I understand, I was messing up."

"Still doesn't give me a right to scream at you to the point you cry."

"It's okay really Binnie don't worry."

Oh shit I just gave him a nickname and we aren't even close.

Changbin's pov:

Chan just called me Binnie. I don't know why but my heart fluttered when he said that. Ain't no way I like him. Out of people. Him? I hate to admit it but I guess I do. I'm not so sure though, I'll think about it.

I thanked him for accepting my apology before our drinks were done getting made. I got up to get them for us and walked back to our table handing him his tea. We chatted for awhile and even apologized to each other for the office behaviors. We actually then ended up finding out we had lots of common interests and became friends. As he talked I took my phone out my pocket and checked the time.

11:55 pm

"Omg it's so late" I said accidentally interrupting him.

"What time is it?"

"11:55 well 11:56 now, I live like 20 minutes away from here!"

"It's okay calm down, you can stay over at my house, I live like 6 minutes away from here, that's why I walk to our job."

"Are you sure? I don't want to bother or anything."

"If I wasn't I wouldn't even have bothered asking you."

"You're right, okay, I'll stay over, I have no spare clothes though."

"Stop worrying about everything, we'll find something!"

We both laughed then headed back to my car. He gave me directions to his house and we arrived shortly. He opened his house door and we stepped in. His house wasn't too big but not too small either. Very spacious for only 1 person though.

We walked into his room and I sat on his bed.

"Okay so this is the only room I have so you either sleep on the floor or we sleep together. Yes you're a guest but my bed is my bed sorry."

"Okay I'll sleep with you but I need clothes cause I'm not sleeping in jeans."

He handed some sweats and his hoodie then showed me his bathroom.

I put his clothes on and then went back to his room. He went to the bathroom then came back.

"Are you hungry?"


"To the kitchen, I'll make something now move."

"This isn't even my house!"

"Oh shit you right."

He walked me the kitchen and I sat on a chair at the kitchen counter. He got a box out and it was for mac and cheese. This man is really making me mac and cheese. It's okay because it's him.

He finished making it and got 2 bowls out. He put the food in then handed a bowl to me.

"Eat it or you're never invited over again."

I ate it while we talked about random things. I could tell he was getting sleepy so when we put the bowls in the washing machine I picked him and he wrapped his legs around me.

I carried him back to his room and lifted the covers before laying him down on the bed. I then got in bed with him. I wrapped my arms around his waist as he turned to face me. He smiled before wrapping his arms around me as well and snuggling into my chest. And then we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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