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Chan's pov:

I woke up with Changbin hugging me tightly. Whenever I tired to move or remove his hands to get up and pee he would hold me tighter. He then woke up and I decided to tell him I need to use the restroom.

"Morning but I have to pee, I'll piss on you if you don't let me go."

"Then pee on me, I'm not letting you go."

"What in the piss kink. DO YOU HAVE A PISS KINK??!?! OH HELL NAH!"

"What the fuck no. I don't have piss kink that's nasty."

He then let me so I can pee. After using the restroom and washing my hands I brushed my teeth and went back to him.

He was now sitting up against the headboard. I laid on him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"We don't have work today right?"

"No, not today. Why?"

"Nothing I just want to spend time with you."

"I was literally yelling at you like yesterday."

Changbins pov:

My heart was beating fast. I can't believe a cafe apology would lead to this. I'm so happy to spend time with him.

"But now we made up and are happy but um do you have an extra toothbrush? I wanna brush my teeth."

"Oh yeah under the sink."

"Okay thank you but um can you let go? We can cuddle after I promise."

He nodded and let go of me. I stood up and walk to his bathroom and looking under the sink for a toothbrush. I brushed my teeth then walked out to go cuddle with him.

I can't believe I used to scream at this cute and cuddly guy. It's confirmed though, I do like him. There's no denying it. I might even be in love. But I'm afraid he won't feel the same.



"Are you hungry"

"Yep, starving"

"Wanna get food?"


We then stood up to get ready. He lent me his clothes and then we walked to a near by place to eat. We then went back to his place.

We were cuddling on his couch watching some drama. I wasn't paying attention to it though. I was just looking at Chan.

"Channie can I ask you something?"

"Hm? Oh yeah sure"

"Do you like anyone?"




Sorry for the cliffhanger 🤭 but also short update bc I have 0 motivation also pls comment on my stuff I love commenting back😭 I also did not revise this sorry but anyways bye-bye love you and take care

coworker ☆ changchanWhere stories live. Discover now