Spoil of War | Reader x Thorgil

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     The boat lurched forward, knocking into the dock and awakening you from a restless nap. Vikings were stomping about. They must've been unloading their loot. Just last night these savage barbarians burned your entire village to the ground. Farms were ransacked, houses pillaged, slaves taken. Stolen from your home kicking and screaming all the way.

    Your clothes were tattered to scraps. The long
night gown ripped about the thigh. It's sleeves gone completely. So much of your skin was exposed that you slumped into a ball in an attempt to keep yourself modest. The hiding seemed to be working! None of the men took notice to you, too busy scurrying about on their own. This morning breeze was crisp. It's cool air easily besting your thin dressings. A small sigh escaped your mouth when the breeze suddenly stopped. You look up to see a very tall warrior. He was so strong. His tanned skin and golden hair pulled out of his face.

    You recognize him. This was the viking you watched cut through men like bread. The whites of his eyes empty, only excited by death. His mere presence made you feel insanely small. He was...was he? He was looking right at you. A toothpick hung from his lips. A foolish pride bubbled to your service and you scowled.

"You. Slave. Your name" he gruffed.

"y/n" you spat back sitting taller in your corner.

The movement bringing attention to your erect nipples beneath the thin fabric. Man's gazed dropped but only for a moment. Under his attention you felt naked. As if there were nothing between his eyes and your bare flesh.

"Stand" he barked

Slowly you made your way to your feet. You noticed you only stand a little taller than his waist, maybe eye to eye with his chest.


Your breath caught. Was he objectifying you?!? Pride continued to swell before you deny his request. He raises an eyebrow before taking you by the shoulders and spinning you to face away from him. His eyes felt like feathers gliding across your skin. Chills formed wherever his gaze dragged. His strong hands pushed you until you were bent over the side of the boat. The wind whispered through the fabric barely covering your bottom. The sight must've been quite lewd. Other vikings were pausing their frenzies to assess the situation.

"Oi! Thorgil! Save us a piece! She looks rather tasty" someone shouts from the dock.

"Get back to emptying my ship" the man known as Thorgil answers back only half paying him attention.

   So the whole crew was watching. Yet, this Thorgil, went along as if this exchange was invisible. This feeling of being watched....it made your ears warm. Squirming under his grip, you push back away from the boats edge. You gasp, being met by a wall of man. Bumping into his pelvis you find him long, thick, and throbbing. All the foolish pride you felt earlier was failing you. You were afraid. You were embarrassed. You were flustered.

   You were jolted back to reality by a firm smack across your left ass cheek. A barely audible "oh" left your lips as your head whipped to look at the viking. His...eyes...that same vacant expression he wore while killing. Like a lion about to devour a bunny. To freeze was instinctive. So many eyes watching you. Caught between a ship and a hard place ... the hulking figure chuckled.

"Look at you. A leaky mess. Don't tell me you're enjoying this" he taunts before adding another firm smack to your backside.

  You exhale sharply. Now aware of the arousal dripping down your leg. No no no no no, this wasn't turning you on. It couldn't.

"Don't touch me!" you spoke with salt to your words. "You burned down my village. You killed my friends" tears began to fall. "Let me go. Please"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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