Ambassador Program

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Each branch will have 2 ambassador's if I am in your branch then your branch will habe 3 ambassadors. 

There is also 2 levels of ambassadors

Level 1 Ambassador just a branch ambassador

And level 2 is a Super Ambassador which is over the whole committee

Becoming an ambassador is super simple you fill out a form below with your username, age, gender and genres , availability, what you have to offer the community and and interest of ambassadorship and I will send you a form so i can assign then best ambassadors to which branch!






What do you have to offer for the community

Interest of Ambassadorship (high, medium, low)

Level of Ambassadorship (level 1 or 2)

So far people in the running....

@romance_lover16 (ambassaor) age 17 female

@blue101art (maybe ambassador) age 18 female

@denyefa4 ( ambassador) age 17 male

@blue101art (maybe ambassador) age 18 female

@lorainejd (ambassador)

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