Chapter 11| "blood & sparkles"

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•Emery's POV•

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•Emery's POV•

"Yes, that's all thank you," I smile lightly putting my card back into my wallet.

"It'll just be a few moments," she nods typing in my order into the computer.

I thank her again before walking to the other counter to wait.

Char's coming over after class around three today to get ready together for a hospital's charity event later tonight.

Honestly, it's the last thing I want to do but she seems excited so I'll push my exhaustion to the side and suck it up.

I got home really late last night after the gala, by the time I got ready for bed it was well past 2 am.

Aka... way too late for me to be up if I still want to function like a human the next day.

I ended up sleeping through my first few classes this morning, so here I am picking up a late lunch for us. I decided on smoothies and sandwiches from the cafe we like.

Seriously we come here so often that I think the workers have learned our names and orders, well not real names, I'm Emily to them and anywhere else I go where I give them my name, Char has FOMO so she's Kate when we go out.

Articles and pictures from last night cover every newspaper and magazine this morning, luckily they all seem really positive I only really saw one semi-negative article but it was attached to a picture of me sipping a glass of champagne so you really can't expect anything good to come from that.

But all in all, I think it was a success, Father should be happy.

"EMILY" the lady behind the counter calls out setting a brown paper bag out on the counter beside a drink tray with two smoothies in it.

I give her a small smile sliding my phone back into my purse before carefully grabbing everything and balancing it as I walk away.

The bell above the door rings smoothly open the glass door and walk through.

• • •

The warm golden sun shines in through the window onto my desk making the paperwork I was reading practically impossible to see.

Sitting back in my smooth green velvet chair I sigh setting my pen down, shaking out my hand before grabbing it again.

Hand cramps from writing are the worst.

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