chapter one-

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When Tommy opened his little shop, he never expected it to be a hotspot for people, who frankly, get into weird situations.

Like the absolute moron in front of him. Wilbur, who is one of his absolute favorite people, as well as the bane of his already miserable existence.

"I'm telling you, we as the people- should eliminate all that stand in our way!" The man whines out, his pupils wildly expanding and shrinking at the mere idea of the dumb argument.

Tommy sighs from where he was cleaning some cups. Putting his rag down he stares at Wilbur blankly.

"If we were talking about an actual threat to humanity, sure I'm all for it. You are talking about a cute little animal." Tommy stated, with a twitch of his eye.

Wilbur squawked in offense, putting a hand over his heart, staring at Tommy with offended eyes. "They are a threat to humanity!"

He slams his hands against the counter, breathing sharply. "They're gross little rodents, and they deserve to be extinct!" The man exclaimed, bristling.

Tommy shot him a look, rubbing a hand down his face. "Wilbur- big man- it's a goddamn anteater. They don't bother us at all!" The blond exclaimed, already done with the conversation.

Wilbur stared at him for a minute, before crying out, putting a hand on his forehead theatrically. 

"They got to you! I've been betrayed!" Wilbur moans in false despair.

Tommy stays quiet and just stares at the man in front of him, Wilbur stares back.

Tommy bursts out in laughter, Wilbur following. Doubling over at the force of it. They pay no attention to the eyes that follow them.

They're way too used to it at this point.

Soon Wilbur leans up, wiping a non-exciting tear from his eye. He takes a glance at the clock sitting on the wall above the counter and groans.

"Oh god damnit." He grumbles.

Tommy hums, a smile still etched on his face. "What's wrong b-dubs?" He inquires.

Wilbur sighs, blowing a stray piece of hair from his face.

"I gotta get going. If I'm late again my dad might actually kill me" Wilbur sniffed.

Tommy snickers and nods, handing the man a drink.

Wilbur looks confused for a moment.

"What's this?"

"A gift for the road!" Tommy exclaims innocently.

Wilbur narrows his eyes in suspicion, before taking a sip of the warm drink. He immediately starts choking, trying to catch his breath as he glares at a still-smiling Tommy.

"This is green tea!" He bellows.

Tommy nods, "yeah, I know how much you love tea."

"You bitch, you know I'm allergic!"

"You're not allergic you big baby, you just don't like it."

"Same thing!"

After the little argument, Wilbur leaves. Not without the promise of getting Tommy back.

Tommy chuckles at the thought.

It's strange how different his life turned out. Compared to four years ago he's living the life.

Having nothing to owning his own business was pretty impressive, if he says so himself. Going from a street rat to well off, its like a fucked up Cinderella story.

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