chapter 13-

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Receiving the call from Phil had Techno on a complete rampage.

HURT-protectnoblade-AAAAAAAAAA-golden boy- BABY GOT BEAT-lmao- BABY-psychic boi got hurt-L.

Techno had a migraine already.

He was going to murder that woman. What the fuck was she thinking?

Not hurting the kid was the one Goddamn thing he told her not to do. How fucking difficult is it to follow a single damn task?!

He's going to rip her fucking throat out, he swears.

Tommy is way too little to deal with something so vicious, and who knows what it did to him mentally-

This is almost as bad as hurting wilbur- no it is as bad as hurting wilbur! Those are his kids, how dare she lay a filthy fucking hand on one of them-

He couldn't have an associate like that, what kind of dad would he be if he did?

That, and Chat was becoming almost impossible to control now.

He could feel the shadows crawling on the walls, contorting and bending wildly around him.

They were waiting to tear that woman up from the inside out.

He agreed with that one, letting them eagerly ramble and argue on how they'd do it.

Techno waited until Chat was calmer, more controllable before he started going towards the hospital.

Techno made it there with little fanfare, explaining to the nurse that he was Philza Craft's husband, and was there to see Tommy.

Phil had said they were the ones staying there in lieu of Tommys actual parents, which are still yet to be contacted.

Techno searched for the room number, traversing the maze like walls with as much confidence as he could.

He hated hospitals, they were to clean. It freaked him out, all the sterile equipment and strong cleaning smells.

It reminded him of Wilbur in a way he didn't want.

Visiting hours were over technically, but if you looked like you belonged there, you did.

Techno walked into the room, the lights were turned down, and Phil perked up.

"Took you long enough." Phil stretched as he stood up, Wilbur was passed out in a chair.

"I know. My heads hurtin', I needed to chill out and wait until Chat calmed down." Techno mumbled.

"Alright, that's as fair an excuse as any. Have you eaten? I can run and go get us something real quick. Wilbur tired himself out, I reckon he won't be awake until morning." Phil announces.

"I have, go get something to watch though, and make sure you go get some fresh air." Techno hummed, Phil nodded and gave him a soft bump with his shoulder as he left the room.

Techno took a seat on the plastic chair next to Wilbur, draping his jacket over him.

He watched fondly as Wilbur curled up tighter.

How someone so tall could curl into a ball like that and be comfortable, he'd never know.

With a sigh he looked towards Tommy, eyeing his injuries.

It took a good few seconds of eye contact before he realized Tommy's eye was open, and he was staring at him.

Like hardcore staring at him.

Techno frowned and stood up again, walking over to the bed.

"Fuck off. You come near me and I'll yank the plug." Tommy threatened hoarsely.

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