Shawshank Redunant

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"So you're saying there was a Siren sneaking about...inside my ship?"

Belfast nodded, the worry on Elizabeth's face not going away at the thought. What was that Siren doing in there, what were her goals, and probably most importantly, how did they get in undetected?

"Belfast, did you apprehend her?"

"Yes. Sheffield and I found her with the Trolly cart she managed to procure from the kitchen an-"

"Wait, she had a Trolly?"

At that, Belfast actually had a smile come to her face, a genuine one of amusement. "Yes, and it's quite amusing knowing why. She seems to be quite a fan of Tea, and all she did, including the surprisingly well thought disguise, was to simply get Tea."


Elizabeth rubbed her eyes, suddenly looking far more tired than before. "I truly hope you're joking..."

"I do not make jokes Your Majesty."

She sighed, standing up as she put her cup down. "Then take me to them, I wish to see the Siren that only wanted Tea instead of our lives."

"Of course. We put her in an improvised cell in one of the bunk rooms, she should be there and fine considering she surrendered rather easily."

Belfast led the Queen along the interior of her ship, going through several bulkheads and down a few flights of stairs that led them both to the crew quarters. From there, only one more hallway took them to where Sheffield was standing, watching the Siren from the other side of the improvised, yet surprisingly sturdy, bars.

Her eyes turned to them, and she quickly moved to the side as Elizabeth went up to the bars herself and looked inside, seeing a person sitting against the wall on the other end. They were looking down and away from her, not making eye contact.

"Siren!" She slapped the bars, a dull ringing blasting out. "Look at me, and tell me why you're here..."


She clicked her tongue and hit them again. "Wake up dammit!"


Belfast and Sheffield shared a look, wondering if the other did something to the Siren. Elizabeth let up a little bit, curious as to why the Siren hadn't moved even an inch.

"...Hello, are you even conscious?"

Yet again, she got no answer from the Siren. She looked to the two behind her, pointing at the door as she moved towards it herself. The two maids understood what she was implying, and walked alongside her and opened the door, standing there as guards incase she tried anything.

Elizabeth slowly walked up to the Siren, her footsteps ever so careful since she fully expected the Siren to spring up and try to attack her once she got close enough. It was a few painfully slow moments before she made it to the Siren, slowly lowering to her knees as she got a look at her face.


Her worried expression sunk immediately, seeing as the Siren was simply fast asleep. With a deep breath, Elizabeth stood up again, raising her hand high.



"OWW!!" The Siren snapped awake, holding her cheek as tears pricked her eyes. "What the fuck is your problem?!"

"What's my problem? You fell asleep in captivity! This is all on you!"

The Siren looked to the Queen, ready to seemingly attack her, before stopping entirely. The sudden cease of movement nearly worried Elizabeth more than her actually doing anything, but the still image of the Siren soon gave way as she...smiled?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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