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Sana's POV

There she was. Beautiful and all her glory.

Chou Tzuyu, The prettiest girl I've ever seen.

I watched as she put her books away, trying to hide away from the crowd.

Tzuyu was always quiet, didn't matter where. She could be at lunch, sitting with her brother, that's the only time I saw her mouth open or her smile. And let me tell you, that smile is amazingly beautiful.

"Sha!" I heard the voice of my twin brother. He was with Tzuyu's twin brother, Junhui AKA Jun. Short for Junhui. He's the school's quarterback.

"Hey, Gyu. Sup, Jun." I smiled.

"Me and Jun are gonna go to pops after school. You down?" My brother asked.

"Nah, Not today. Dad is taking me to get a new pair of shoes." I said.

Our father is a widow. Our mother died when we were 10 years old.

"Well... Okay. Tell dad I'll be home late." Mingyu smiled before walking away.

I nodded, keeping my eyes on Tzuyu.

She turned, looking at me before quickly turning her head back to face her locker.

I took a deep breath, closing my locker before walking up to the tanned girl.

"Hi." I smiled nervously.

"U-uh. H-Hi." Tzuyu said lowly.

Before I could say anything else, the bell ringed signaling it was time for class.

Tzuyu's POV

I sat in the back of the class, where I usually sit. I found it weird.

Every time I'm in the hallways, at lunch, or in class, Sana's staring at me. She makes me feel nervous, and I get butterflies every time I catch her staring at me.

"Okay, everyone. Today we are doing a project. It's called the mathematics project, basically, you team up as a pair then you have to make a board explaining what you learned over this semester." Mr. Felix smiled.

Keith raised his hand, "Yes, Keith?" He sighed.

"Do we get to choose our partners?" He asked with a smirk.

Mr. Felix rolled his eyes, "No. Because

of reasons like that." He said, pointing

to the students who were making out.

"Now. The pairs are,"

"Son Chaeyoung and Myoi Mina. Yoo Jeongyeon and Im Nayeon..." I muted him out as I looked over at Sana who was on her phone texting.

I sighed, going back to the teacher. "Minatozaki Sana and... Chou Tzuyu. That's it." He concluded.

Fuck! I'm in some deep shit.

Once class was over, I rushed to get my stuff together before leaving class.

"Chou!" I heard Sana call.

I turned to face her once I get to my locker.

"So, I was thinking we start at pops?" She asked hopefully.

"I-Uh. Y-Yeah, sure." I nodded.

"Great. Meet at the entrance after school." She smiled, patting my back softly.

I sighed as I felt my "friend" raise a bit. I covered my crouch with my books as

I rushed to the bathroom.


Sana's POV

"Ready, Cutie?" I asked the tanned girl.

Tzuyu nodded as we walked to my car.

Once we arrived at pops, we settled into a booth.

"So... Tzuyu, Tell me about yourself." I smiled.

"Uh, Well. You probably know my twin brother, Jun. And um, I prefer being called chewy. I'm 18. I live with my father, my mom and him are divorce so she remarried and I have two half-siblings." Tzuyu explained.

"Wow. Sorry about your parents. My-uh-my mom died when I was 10, so yeah." I gave a sad smile.

"Sorry about your mother." She said. I nodded.

"Okay, enough with the sad stuff, How
should we start this project?" I asked.

"Well, I have all the notes from the beginning to the end of this semester." She nodded, taking her math book out.

"So we just start from the beginning." I said.

"Yep." Tzuyu smiled as we started going over ideas on how we would present the project.
"It was great hanging out with you." I smiled at the Burnette.

"Uh-T-Thanks." Tzuyu stammered.

"Well, I gotta go. My dad's waiting. I'll text you." I said, kissing her cheek before going back to my parked car.

Tzuyu's POV

I touched my cheek where Sana kissed as I walked into the house.

"Hey, love bug." My father smiled.

My dad is the calm parent. He doesn't judge nor get loud with anyone. He was just... Loveable.

"Hey, dad." I said quietly.

"How was school?" He asked, eating a cookie.

"It was okay, I guess. Minatozaki Sana and I got paired up for a project." I explained.

"The girl you have a crush on?" He asked.

I blushed, looking down.

"Aww!" He cooed, shaking me lightly.

"Shut up." I groaned.

"Okay, Okay. Your mother is coming by to get you and James. She's taking Max and Ria to a basketball game and she wants you and Jun to tag along." He sighed.

I rolled my eyes. I love my mom to death, don't get me wrong. She's always there for me when I need her most, but her new husband is not my favorite person.

They just got married 4 months ago. When they met, Jun and I got to meet his 12-year-old twins, Ryan and Ria. They're awesome, we'll raise. I love them as if they were my blood siblings.

Well, that was a year ago, when we met. They're 13 now.

"Uh, cool." I nodded.

"Look, I know Junhui isn't the best person, but he's trying to make you two like him." My father sighed.

"Well, he could try all he wants. I'm not going to be kind to a homewrecker." I huffed.

My father sighed as he shook his head, "Tzu-i, your mother cheated too. She made that choice to mess up. Not only him."

"Whatever. I'm going to my room." I said, taking my bag as I left.

Tzuyu's room

I placed my bag on the bed, going to change into some sweats and a white-T shirt.

After I sat on my bed, strolling on Instagram when I heard a knock on my door.

"Yo, sis. Mom is here." Jun said as he just got back from hanging out with his best friend.

"Kay, I'm ready." I shrugged, getting up to go downstairs with him.

"Tzu!" Tae called when he saw me.

"Sup, tae." I smiled, hugging him.

I greeted my mom and Ria but stopped when I got to James.

"Ready?" My mom cleared her throat.

"Yep." I nodded, brushing past James.

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