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2 months later

Tzuyu's POV

Sana giggled as I kissed up and down her bare torso playfully since she had taken her shirt off.

Her huge baby bump in the way. I sighed, laying beside her as I laughed along with the angel.

Then suddenly Sana stopped laughing and started groaning.

"Babygirl? Are you okay?" I asked, sitting up abruptly.

Sana held her stomach, "Y-Yeah. Just false contractions." She smiled but then groaned again.

"Baby. No, come on, get up." I said, going around to help her sit up.

Sana groans again as I helped her sit up, "I'm sorry, baby." I said.

"It's not-Ah- it's not your fault." Sana grunted as she took deep breathes.

I grabbed my phone to call our doctor. "Hey, Sana said she's having false contractions. I don't know." I said.

"Bring her in." She said.

I sighed before ending the call, "Baby. We have to go to the hospital."

Sana nodded as I helped her put her shoes on.

We entered the hospital. Our doctor came up to us as she sat Sana in a wheelchair.

I followed them as I texted Sana's father about what's going on before I texted my parents.

They said they were going to catch the quickest flight here.

I walked into our room where they were putting Sana on machines.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"She's going into premature labor. We have to get them out now." The nurse said frantically.

"Will she be okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Yes. But your sons, not so much." She replied before going to help the others.

"Tzuuu!" Sana groaned.

I rushed to her side, grabbing her hand.

"What's happening? Ahhh." She yelled.

"They have a get them out now, baby. Or it won't end well." I said, tears welling in my eyes.

Everything was perfect not to long ago. What went wrong.

"Okay, Sana. I'm going to need you to push." The doctor said.

"B-but- my dad- ah!" Sana screamed.

"It's okay, Sha. Push, baby." I said.

Sana groaned as she squeezed my hand and pushed.

"Good job." The doctor said.

"Keep going." He added. Sana squeezed my hand, "Tzuyu! I swear to God- ahhh-" She stopped mid-sentence.

I sighed, squeezing her hand tightly.

We heard faint cries in the background as the doctors rushed to put him in an incubator. I cried as I watched my tiny son fight to breathe.

"Here comes the next!" The other doctor said while instructing Sana to push.

Sana and I sighed as we heard the small cries from the tiny boy.

"You did well, mom. Good job." The nurse smiled, wiping sweat from Sana's forehead.

After they got Sana cleaned up, and ready to rest, I watched as my son's breathed slowly.

"Hey, baby boys. Look how tiny you are." I whispered, touching the clear box.

I wiped a tear as I watched them. It sucks seeing them like this. Their only 7 months developed.

The nursed entered the room I was in a small smile on her face.

"Uh, how is she?" I asked.

"She's doing well. Her vitals are balanced, she'll be A-okay." She reassured.

I looked down at the two incubators. "What about them?" I asked.

She sighed, "They're premature. Meaning they weren't fully developed yet. They can't breathe on their own, but I'm sure that they will be okay. They just need to stay in the hospital for a while." She explained.

I sighed, watching as they breathed slowly.

"She's asking for you, though." She smiled.

I nodded before leaving the room. I entered the room with a smile on my face.

I didn't want Sana stressed out after what she just went through.

"Are they okay?" She asked.

I sighed, "The nurse said since they aren't fully developed, they can't breathe on their own. So they'll have to stay in the hospital for a while." I explained.

Sana shook her head with tears welling in her eyes.

"What are we going to do?" She asked.

"Hey, Hey, Hey. Don't cry, beautiful. We will get through this. Together, okay?" I said.

Sana nodded, her eyes still filled with tears.

We watched as the nurses rolled our sons into the room.

"Just for comfort." She smiled before doing a check upon them. After she explained what will happen next.

"Now. Since they're premature, they will have to spend the next two months here before they are able to breathe. By the time they will be strong and healthy, I guarantee." Our doctor smiled.

Sana and I sighed of relief. "Now, as of you two. You are allowed to go home and come visit them whenever you'd like." She smiled.

I nodded as Sana and I watched the boy's breathing pattern.

This is going to be a long 2 months.

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