i. new neighbors

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    Dominic and his mother sat in silence the entire ride home

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    Dominic and his mother sat in silence the entire ride home. Ellen and Sophia go to brunch every Sunday to just to gossip and catch up what happened to them this week. While driving home to their houses, the moms caught Marcus and Dominic smoking a joint on the side of the road and they were not happy. Well, Ellen wasn't happy while Sophia was just embarrassed that her friend had to see her kid smoking.

    Sophia parked in their driveway in front of their off-white home and looked at her son. "Damn it kid, have I taught you nothing?" She sighed which made Dominic furrow his eyebrows


    "What made you think smoking weed in broad daylight on the side of the road would be a good idea? You're my son, you should know how to keep a secret."

    Dominic let out a laugh at his mother's words because she was right. "Look, I'd appreciate if you didn't smoke before you were eighteen but I know you won't listen to me so I'll just say, don't do it in broad daylight especially on Sundays. People are like driving home from church and shit. So be careful, got it?" She pointed in his face, showing that she meant what she was saying.

"Got it." Dom nodded with a slight grin on his face which made his mom nod back at him. The two were interrupted by intense knocking on the driver's seat window which made Sophia scream and whip her head at her window. She opened the door and slowly got out of the car, "Yes, Ellen?"

"Do you still have the cookies you got from Blue Farm?"

    "Do you still have the cookies you got from Blue Farm?"

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