ii. i'm afraid you're stuck with me, miller.

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    After a long day at school, Dominic got ready for Brodie's house

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    After a long day at school, Dominic got ready for Brodie's house. The whole friend group was going including Press, sadly. Sophia was over at the Baker household, hanging out with Georgia and Ellen, drinking wine and gossiping, but Dom told his mother that he was hanging out with friends tonight so when Maxine lied to Ellen, Sophia knew but she didn't say anything yet.

"Dom!" Max yelled for him in the foyer as he was in his room, smoking weed. Dom loved weed. It calmed him down from the anxiety he got all the damn time for no reason. It made him feel like himself because when he's sober, he is a completely different person. Dom blew out one last puff before putting the pen in his pocket to bring to Brodie's.

Sophia and Thomas know that Dom smokes, obviously, but he has to hide it so Olivia doesn't see it because she gets "curious really easily" and will try it.

Dominic walked downstairs to see Maxine talking to Thomas. Dom was surprised his dad was home from work from so early. "Hey, there you are!" His dad looked at him as he got to the bottom of the stairs and patted him on the back. "Hey dad and hello Max," Dominic smiled at the both of them and the girl made a disgusted face. "Dude, you reek of weed. Gross." She fake gagged as Dom rolled his eyes.

    "She's right." Thomas nodded as Dom sighed in defeat, "I put cologne on."

    "What's weed?" Olivia asked from the couch which made the three go silent. "Well, we have to go pick up Ginny from next door, so we will see you later. Bye Mr. Carter!" Max made a yiked face and pulled Dom out the front door. Thomas sighed and mouthed the word, "fuck." He had to make up a lie quick.

    As Dominic and Maxine started walking towards next door, she spoke, "If I wasn't gay, I would totally fuck your dad."

  "Get a life, Max."

   Max opened the Miller's front door to see Austin sitting at the dinner table, gluing stuff. "Oh, hey kid. Whatcha doin'?" Max walked over to him with Dom trailing behind her. "I'm the 'Star of the Week'" He said, while not looking up from his tasks. "Uh...saucy!" Maxine smiled and did finger movements with him which he did back. Maxine walked to the bottom of the stairs and started yelling for Ginny. "Hey, I'm Dominic, what's your name?" The boy smiled at the younger boy who finally looked up. "I'm Austin. I know you already."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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