I Will Be the Danger...

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On the way back from Cloud Kingdom, the Ninja spotted a dragon being captured by the Claws of Imperium. Lloyd, Kai, Arin and Sora jumped into the action to save the creature, leaving Aly on the Bounty. She was still upset after Lloyd had spoken to her, and he and Kai both agreed she wasn't fit to be in a fight again, so she stayed with Owen and Robin.

While attempting to free the dragon, a device was used by the Claws of Imperium which Sora immediately recognised as the Photac; a device she invented when she lived in imperium. The device created a creature made from hard light, which was completely indestructible.

The Ninja were unable to free the dragon, and returned to the Bounty where Sora said she had to return to imperium to destroy the Photac, since it was far too powerful for Imperium to hold, and it would make them unstoppable.

3rd Person POV:

When the Ninja returned to the Monastery, Arin and Sora immediately split off from the group with Kai and Lloyd following behind; they had to keep tabs on what they were planning.

Aly left the Bounty, and took in the hanger bay. It didn't look much different than it did before the merge, but it had definitely taken on damage which she assumed Lloyd wasn't able to fix on his own. Aly sighed, and subconsciously made a mental note to repair the hanger. Since Jay, Nya and Zane weren't here, she was the only one who could make repairs.

Just then, robin held onto her mother, looking up at her. "Where are we?" She innocently asked, making Aly smile. "We're home." "I thought our home was in the sky." The little girl responded. Her mother shook her head. "It was for a while, but this is our home now." Aly told her, picking her up as Owen stood beside them. "You are going to like it here, Robin." He smiled at her, reassuring her that she would be okay.

The girl nodded, but was still nervous. "Come on, let's go upstairs." Aly sighed, taking her son's hand in her own as they made their way to the elevator. They walked inside, and Robin shuffled closer in her mothers arms as they were taken up to the Monastery.

When they made it to the top, Aly let out a breath; she was finally home again, though it did look a little different. But she could live with that. Owen couldn't help but smile as well, and walk out into the room. He thought for a moment, and had an idea, turning back to his mom. "Mom, could I show Robin my toys? Maybe it would help?" He asked. Aly didn't expect that, but she smiled at him and nodded, kneeling down to let Robin go.

"That sounds like a great idea." She spoke. "Y-you're not leaving, are you?" Robin asked, looking up at Aly. "No I'm not, sweetie." She told her, gently holding her hand. "I'll be in the room next door, okay? Owen knows where I'll be." The little boy nodded, turning to his sister. "Yeah!" He smiled, soon offering his sister his hand.

She looked up at him, still nervous, but she eventually let go of her moms hand, instead taking her brothers. "Let's go." Owen said, leading his sister out the games room and down the hall. Aly watched them leave, a slight wave of relief washing over her. But it didn't help much;

She was back home, yes, but she hadn't been here in a while, and the people who would usually occupy these halls weren't all there. It didn't make her any better, so she started walking to her and Zane's room.

When she got to the door, she could hear Owen and Robin in the room next door, talking about his toys and picking which ones they wanted to play with. The Master of Ice smiled briefly, before walking into her own room, but when she did, her smile disappeared in an instant.

The room she and Zane shared was as they'd left it; the bed wasn't made and there was some mess on the floor, though, it only seemed to be on Aly's side, which was what it was usually like.

The Split Element- Book 2 (Ninjago Dragons Rising: Zane X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now