Chapter 10

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Izuku helped Katsuki get ready as he was now about to go to the clinic. He knocked on Shoto's door as the smaller came out.  His hands rested on his flat stomach.

"Katsuki told me everything and I want us to go the hospital to confirm." Izuku started

"Then let's go, you know I can't raise this baby by myself and I don't want our child to question his birth. He will see you with the queen and he will question how he was made. I asked the queen to make the right choice." Shoto said wanting to hide the smirk that laid on his lips.

Then we shall leave, Katsuki told me everything already and he is upset with me so let's go." Izuku said making Shoto trail behind him smiling like he won him over.

The two made way to the car and Shoto was still smiling.

"Go sit at the front, I will be at the back." Izuku said opened the front door for a confused Shoto.

When he sat in the front and turned to the back he saw Katsuki there, the smile fell from his face as Katsuki stared at him dead in the eye.

Shoto huffed and then turned around as they made their way to the clinic. Izuku laced his and Katsuki's fingers together as he kissed the other's forehead making Katsuki smile.

The car parked and many bodyguards followed behind Katsuki and Izuku with Shoto being in the front.

They all entered the room and Shoto was placed on the bed as the nurse did an ultrasound.

"Everything is fine with the baby, the mother isn't under stress either, so this is going to be a healthy pregnancy, Your Majesty." The nurse said

"How long is he?" Izuku asked

"5 weeks going on to 6 weeks." The nurse answered

"Okay and well how long does he need to take a prenatal paternity test?" Izuku asked

"He needs to be at least 7 to 9 weeks for us to do so." The nurse answered

"Okay we will come back when he is in his seventh week of pregnancy. Thank you very much." Izuku said holding back Katsuki's hand, watching Shoto wipe his stomach.

The three of them left and Shoto was flabbergasted.

"Izuku, don't you not trust me anymore? Shoto asked

"No I don't because you're five weeks pregnant and you should be around three weeks since Katsuki is three weeks in as well, both you and him would have had the baby around the same time. I will not allow my self to be deceived by you, taking care of a child that isn't mine will be corruption, people of this nation will be talking about this, save us both the pain and embarrassment. If the prenatal paternity comes out positive then I will help to raise the baby but I will not divorce Katsuki or leave him for your satisfaction. If it comes out negative then I will need you to leave this castle effectively for lying to me as your king." Izuku said as he walked with Katsuki still holding onto him

Shoto was furious, he was mad to the point he was crying. The king loved him an if it weren't for Katsuki the two would have still been together. He walked back to the car and sat in the front.

The ride back to the castle was filled with silence. Shoto went to his room and began packing his stuff he lost his love to Katsuki. He wasn't bitter about it, he just needs to leave and go to the Duke's house the one who loves him, the father of his unborn child.

He left in the middle of the night with a thin sweater to cover himself as he made way to the Duke's house.

He rang the doorbell and to his luck it was the duke who answered, the same duke who gave him a loving smile. He just cried in the arms of the duke's.

"It's okay at least I know you need me." The Duke said kissing Shoto on the head.

"I am sorry for pulling you into this mess, I know my intentions were bad but I wanted a family, a good one even." Shoto said as he cried into the arms of the duke.

"And you, I and our unborn child will make that perfect family, stop fighting for a heart that isn't for you." The duke replied

"I know just please hold me." Shoto said making the duke carry him to the bedroom

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