You Keep Me Sane|❌|

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I've been living in Tennessee for about six months that would leave me about six and a half months pregnant. It's been crazy not having my "baby daddy" around.

I miss Jack and Alex and Rian and Zack. Its so hard. But I'm protecting them. The system hasn't heard anything from the gang. Its so scary though. It's been so silent.

I am living on the outskirts of Nashville. On the west side.

Today is July 5th. Yesterday was obviously Independence Day and all I did was sit around and watch watch t.v.Thats really all I do.

For my birthday last month, Trever got me three kittens.They are adorable.

The yellow one is a boy.His name is Claws.
The black one is a girl.Her name is Trixie.
The calico one is also a girl.Her name is Baby.

Their Mom died so the owners took them to the shelter.They have to bottle fed.

Oh! I almost forgot.I'm actually having twins.Boy and a girl.I'm really upset because Jack won't be there.At least we picked out names for them.Kinda.

Presley Alexandria and Zachary Robert.
We tried to get the guys in there somehow.Jack actually wanted to name a girl Alexandria but since I've talked to him last (about six months) I got the name Presley stuck in my head.

Six months. She's been gone for six months. We still have shows.They aren't as good as they used to be.Sometimes I end up having to run off stage.My girlfriend. My baby.My whole life.Its all gone.

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