Shopping day with the crew

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[ this story takes place 6 months after the final battle. Everything has gone back to normal and Nick is back with the crew. This is just a oneshot! ]

"SELWYN!" Bree yelled for the 4th time. She was regretting bringing him along for shopping. He was clearly not interested and he was the only one glued to his damn phone.
"Yes, Brianna, I think that dress looks nice" Sel mumbled, not even bothering to look at her.
"It's a shirt" she slapped his arm, causing him to finally look up from his phone. He sighed in a i don't know what you want me to say way.
"I told you not to bring him along" Alice said from where she was standing next to a mannequin.
"I know but I just wanted all of us to spend some time together"
"We are spending time together" Sel groaned, rolling his eyes.
"If you look at that phone one more time, I'm smashing it with my heels"
"Bree -
"She's right, We all should spend some time together" it was William who took Selwyn's phone from his hand.
"Give it back" he whined like a kid and even crossed his arms.
"Not until you promise not to look at it again for as long as we're here"
Selwyn sighed and looked at Bree before nodding and taking his phone from Will.
"Thanks William" Bree smiled and turned to Sel, who looked like he'd rather be reading in his bedroom than shopping with the crew.
"Look happy, okay?" She said, taking a minute to look at him. He was dressed in all black, obviously. Black hoodie, black jeans and black shoes.
When he didn't reply, she pulled at his arm "Don't be such a buzz kill, Sel"
"Alright, alright" he finally said and gave her one of his rare smiles. Well, they were rare for everyone else. Bree got to see him smile way more than others did. She was grateful for it.
"Where's Nick?" He asked, looking around. Nick had been sitting on one of the small couches while Bree and Selwyn argued. Now he was nowhere to be seen. Bree looked around and then back at Selwyn, who had the same expression as her.
"Where'd he go?" There was a tremble in her voice which she hoped no one noticed but she knew Sel did.
"He went to get something to eat" Nick's familiar voice came from behind her. Bree turned around to see him holding a bag of overpriced Starbucks cookies and a cappuccino.
"Are you guys done fighting?"
"Yeah" Bree smiled slowly, walking upto him. She let out a deep shuddering breath as she looked at him. She can't help but get scared everytime Nick leaves her sight. After past events she just wants to make sure he is safe and right in front of her all the time.
Even without looking, she could feel Sel's body relax beside her. She knew he was thinking the same thing.
"They took him. They took Nick"
Those words still echoed in her head from time to time. Although it's been 6 months since everything went back to normal, it's still hard for her to actually believe that everything's fine.
"You need to stop disappearing without telling anyone" she whispered, holding his arm.
"Aw B" he smiled apologetically "I'm sorry. I should've told you before leaving. But don't worry now, okay? I'm here" he touched her cheek.
Bree leaned into his touch and nodded with a smile. "You're here"
"And I bought cookies" he grinned.
"Yeah, we can see" Selwyn mumbled, racking a hand through his hair and looking as annoyed as ever.
"Some really overpriced cookies" Bree remarked. Nick's face dropped and he turned to William with a pout.
"I'd love some cookies" he laughed, taking one from the bag.
"See? Atleast William appreciates me"
Selwyn tried not to roll his eyes again while Bree gave Nick a tight lipped smile. Alice walked over to her and fixed her with a pointed look.
"What?" Bree frowned.
"We're not getting any shopping done. Should've left the boys at home" she whisper shouted "especially him"
"Not like I wanted to come along" Sel grumbled, glaring at Alice.
"We weren't talking about you" Alice said. Even though she was obviously talking about him.
"You said it while looking at me" he retorted, ready to argue.
"I wasn't looking at you" she paused and frowned " And why were you listening to our conversation in the first place, fang boy?"
"Stop calling me that!"
"Make me"

"GUYS" Bree was regretting all her life decisions which may have led to this

chaos. A shopping day with the crew was all she wanted but now she had a group of grown people arguing like little kids. She made a mental note not to bring them anywhere ever again.
"I saw this really cute top by the checkout counter. Let's go there okay? And Sel you need to stop doing that!"
"I'm not doing anything" he had the audacity to look and sound confused.
"Stop rolling your eyes" Bree ordered.
"Yes ma'am" he murmured, pressing his lips together to suppress his smile.
"C'mon then" Bree grinned, already walking towards the checkout counter, practically dragging Alice with her. The boys stood there for a minute, just looking at them.
As much as he disliked shopping with the crew, Selwyn would come shopping everyday if it meant he'd get to see Bree smile and laugh like this.
"She looks so happy" Nick said.
"She deserves to be" Sel nodded, his mouth twitching a little.
"We all do, Selwyn" William smiled, patting his back "all of us."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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