Chapter 10

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"I see a scout."

The statement held no real concern behind it. Just... meh. The reaction it provoked?

"What?!" Jay jumped up so fast the clipboard on his lap went flying about a foot away from him.
Zane dropped the mask he'd been working on removing the glass from to run up beside Garmadon, scanning across the mountains, "Where is the scout?"
The 'Oni' pointed to a little outcropping in the mountain's silhouette where a little black figure was stood. It took a few moments for Zane to spot it, the moment he did he was racing for the controls of the ship.
The anchor was pulled up and the sails opened before Pixel was even up the ladder. Jay was still at the desk trying to shove a particularly annoying spring into place. He just happened to glance up and see the sail's open.
"Wait, we're just leaving?" He hollered, "What about Lloyd, Nya, and Kai?"
Pixel nodded her agreement, grabbing Zane's wrist to keep it off the accelerator, "I'm with Jay, why do you want to leave at the first sight of danger? The Oni hasn't even spotted-"

"No, the Oni spotted us before I saw it."

"Not helping, Garmadon!" Jay hissed throwing is wrist down and accidentally dropping the screwdriver he was holding.
Pixel only rolled her eyes, "Why must we leave? It would be four on one." She crossed her arms, nodding, "I would say that is a pretty fair fight."

Twisting and pulling his wrist from Pixel's grasp, Zane grabbed the accelerator, "The scout could have back up. We can risk any of us gaining injuries, nor damaging the Bounty." The nindroid held a stern gaze, "The others should have there communicators on, we can explain to them what happened once we are certain we have not been followed." He looked over at Garmadon who shrugged and nodded, though it was not clear if he was backing Zane up or just agreeing. Either way, the 'Oni's' reaction was enough to convince the group they needed to leave.

The Bounty was pulling away and traveling away to, what would hopefully be, safety before you could say "Ah! Oni!"
Pixel was quick to head to the monitors and controls on the upper deck, pressing some buttons and dials as the screen lit up. She pulled up an audio only called, trying to contact the others, "Kai? Lloyd? Nya? Does anyone copy?"

There was static for a moment before the line crackled and Nya answered. Though she sounded saddened, "Yeah, we're here, Pixel. What's up?" She sighed afterwards, going silent in wait of an answer.
"The Oni have begun sending out scouts. We are moving to a safer location." Pixel reported, continuing to press and click around. She paused as she processed Nya's tone of voice though, glancing to Zane who had turned around and frowned. "Are you okay, Nya? You sound saddened."
Jay had made his way up to the top deck by now, a concerned look on his face, "Yeah, Nya, did something happen? Everything okay?"
You could almost feel Nya shaking her head, "Kai's just not doing so great. We may have to delay getting the kelp by a day or two- Wait, the Oni have sent scouts?"
"Unfortunately, yes." Zane put the Bounty on auto-pilot, walking over to Jay and Pixel, "Garmadon spotted one earlier. We will tell you of our location when you're on your way back." He looked up to the screen, despite the fact the only thing on screen was a map and one of those radio things. (Genuine no clue what they are, like- it shows volume???)
Jay glanced around before asking, "What's up with Kai? Is he hurt?"

"Physically no." Lloyd had hopped on the call, sighing as he explained, "He's been taking Cole's fall really hard." There was a sound like he was sitting on a tree branch next to Nya, "Had some dream and woke up in a frenzy saying Cole's... alive?"
"Cole's alive?!"
A sigh and a 'great...' came through, barely loud enough to be heard as Nya answered, "No, Jay. I think Kai is still in denial over him."

A silence fell over the team. Garmadon had made his way to the upper deck behind them by then, unnoticed by the ninja. Not that the 'Oni' really cared about Cole's fall, but it was creating a real 'bleh' atmosphere and was starting to get on his nerves.
"Speaking of denial," Garmadon gained the attention of the ninja on board and an annoyed but small protest from the call, "Cole still has family, yes?"
Zane nodded, "His father. What about him?"
Crossing an arm over his chest and putting his hand on his chin, Garmadon spoke as if it was simply an off handed comment, "Lou, I believe if my memory of my life doesn't fail me. Has anyone told Lou about his son yet?"

Silence was the answer.

"Father, I think we have much more pressing matters at the moment." Lloyd said through his teeth, hating his 'father' had a point. They hadn't even thought to, they were all too caught up in everything.
Coming to stand beside Pixel in front of the screen, Zane plotted a course for Cole's hometown. As it turned out, the place was quite near and on the way to the Boiling sea.
"What if we meet up about halfway between the Boiling Sea and Cole's hometown?" The nindroid suggested, "We'll deliver the news, stay with him until you're reached the Boiling Sea, then get back on course." Not receiving any disagreement, he set the course and returned to the wheel.

Now to try and figure out how to tell Lou his only son was gone.

A/N: I did not spend the whole weekend binging Ninjago 🥲 only finished s13. I was on 13 b4 my trip-
But Crystalized is on Netflix! AND IM STILL HYPED
Also, happy pride month y'all! 🏳️‍🌈
💚🤍🖤 🙂

Anyhoots, later ninja pals!

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