Their First Impressions

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Camilla Valerius: She was very grateful to you for being willing to return the store heirloom of her brother on the spot without hesitation. She admired your bravery and selflessness, as well as the immense respect you showed to her in stark contrast to the constant possessive attitudes of Faendal and Sven.

Aela The Huntress: Regardless of whether you came in time to help with the giant attack or not, Aela is impressed with your stature, as you had the look of a proper warrior of your race. You were not actively insistent with your questions of the Companions, though she understood and even respected that, as you seemed to be focused on more pressing matters at the moment.

Ysolda: You saw through her sweet and innocent exterior and revealed to her how you knew of her illegal practices. Rather than being angered, she was actually impressed by your cunning nature and was flattered that you still treated her as an innocent lady regardless.

Saadia: When she drew a dagger to you, you instantly disarmed her but ensured her through a calm and collected demeanor that you were on her side. She apologized as she felt as though she was being constantly watched no matter where she went, and while she didn't outwardly show it, she felt comforted by your swearing to protect her.

Lydia: When you met, you greeted her with a short hug after she stated, "It's an honor to serve you," which got a small blush out of her. You were very kind, which charmed her, even if she seemed a bit quiet as a follower and housecarl.

Astrid: When you showed no signs of disturbance in her proposal to eliminate one of the three hostages, she was intrigued... even more so that you assured her that your intentions at the moment were to do as she asked, but not in a servant-and-master sort of manner. She saw you as cunning and unique in your methods and ways with words... both traits she felt could benefit the Brotherhood.

Serana: She only sort of trusted you when the two of you first met, while also not quite being aware of your occupation as a vampire hunter. She wasn't eager to open up to you about much and was unwilling to carry anything for you as you made your way to her father's castle. However, she was grateful that you fulfilled your promise to her to bring her home without any holdups, arguments, or so forth. By the time you separated after bringing her home, she felt a twinge of regret for not simply asking you to turn back from the castle when she had the chance... though this might have been more fear of her father than a fondness for you.

Legate Rikke: The bravery you displayed for even choosing to face General Tullius in spite of previously being a prisoner scheduled for execution intrigued her. When you took up the job to prove you could be of use to the Legion, she was happy to have you, despite not initially seeing you as much more than another soldier.

AN: New Skyrim idea... can you tell that I'm currently playing Skyrim at the moment yet? Anyways, I'm very much unlikely to include literally every single female npc into this work cause that'd take forever. However, I'll gradually introduce more members as time goes on, and readers are welcome to make suggestions/requests on who I add. The only rules are that no female npc who is already canonically married will be included (Astrid's obviously being the exception 'cause... c-c'mon!) The second rule is that save for some followers, I'm mostly focusing on female npcs who are either included in a quest or link the player to a quest (miscellaneous quests included).

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