Flyhearts fall (eng)

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Flyheart strolled lonely through the woods, head and tail hanging down sadly. Or at least, what was left of his tail. When he was a Kit, he and his two siblings Shadowclaw and Greypelt sneaked out of the camp. They had played, til a bager showed up and hunted them. His brother and sister had hid in safety under some large roots, but he was to slow and so his tail got bitten of. Since then he was scared to climb up trees with no tail to balance him. That wasn't so optimal for that skyclan cats hunt in the trees. Most cats had teased the dark brown- black tom for his tail. Only his mother cloudstorm, his father Crowleaf, who had died in a battle against a fox when Flyheart was still an apprentice, and the medicine cat snowfurr had stood by his side. Even Shadowclaw and Greypelt were still calling him names.

Flyheart was desperate to show everyone that he wasn't afraid of climbing anymore. He stoped in front of an big oak tree. When he would climb up there, the rest of the patrol he was with could see him. So he started digging his claws into the wood and to climb up the oak step for step. Not long after, he had already reached the lowest Branche. Flyheart pulled himself up and was proud of himself, as he sat there. But it wasn't high enough for him.

Again, he dug, first the claws of one front paw and then the claws of the other front paw deeply into the tree, and pushed himself up with his hind legs. Further and further he climbed the oak. When Flyheart was pretty high up, he rested a bit on a thin but stable Branche. And for the first time, he looked down.

Flyheart was shocked and scared of the sight. He was so high up, that everything on the ground below him looked so small. He tried to find halt by leaning against the tree trunk.
„Hey ,I'm scared of trees' heart!", someone shouted from down below. A other cat of his patrol musst have seen him and the fear in his face. The cat laughed and a second one joined in.

Flyheart couldn't turn around now. He took all of his courage together and startet climbing again.
„Stop! No!" he heard cloudstorm yell. But he didn't react. He just climbed and climbed.
Suddenly, the very thin Branche that he had put his weight on, broke. It fell down and Flyheart with it.

„Flyheart!", cloudstorm shouted, panicking. Also the other two cats gasped in shock. They have never wanted him to fall down. Flyheart crashed through lower leaves, twigs and branches, til he could already see the brown and hard soil under him. He couldn't turn around in mid air because of his missing tail, and so, with a loud and terrifying thud, he landed on the ground.

The air had been pressed out of his lungs, and darkness started to surround him slowly. He knew that it had been to high for him or any other cat to survive. He should never have tried to climb.
„Flyheart! Wake up, wake up, noooo!"
That was the last thing he heard.

And the last thing he saw, was Crowleaf, stars sparkling in his fur, there to guide him to star clan.

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