No more bullying - June challenge

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So basically, this is just like, extras :)

Today, we shall talk about bullying.

Ah. Crap.

Well first the facts then the opinion.

Everyone, and I mean absolutely everyone have experienced some kind of bullying. Usually people don't take it seriously, but sometimes it can really get to you.

Bullying - you can call it violence - can be in literally any form - physical, mental, cyber... lemme repeat - ANY EFFING KIND.

Cyber bullying. Definitely easier for the bullies to approach you because the human brain does this thing called empathy - if someone is sad, it triggers the sadness in you, but if you can't se the person, you can't really trigger it so you get a thousand times worse bullying than usual. Because there is no emotions. Just your emotions. And that is something I'll get to later.

Physical bullying. Suffering through that = go to krav maga classes and beat the hell out of those asses next time they try to touch you. Worked for me. And this is very serious, talk to the teachers, parents, if you're ashamed share it with someone you're close with. Consequences? Sh*t load of everything I'll say later.

Mental bullying.
"Hey fattie, have you ate everything you have at home?"
"Miss moustache!"

etc. etc.

I can go on for years I swear.

This is the worst thing ever, and I have gone through it, actually beat the living f*ck out of the bullies but that's a different story, however - please don't deal with this the way I did (I will talk about this later), please. Just please.

Okay so dealing with it.

70% of kids, preteens and teens brush it off like it's nothing, which is like the best thing you can do because it makes the bullies make that sacred 'okay wtf is he/she not hurt lol omg' face, but 30% can have serious problems because of it... Usually falling in a state of depression, having anxiety attacks, starting to hear the bullies' voice in their head, anorexia, bulimia, and it can go in the direction of, um, self harm, and in the end, suicide.

Still a hard topic for me.

I started cutting in 6th grade and stopped recently, and if anyone is even thinking of it, honey please don't do it, and this is too cliche but it gets better I swear. If you do it and the bullies notice it it might get worse because they have another thing to sh*t about. For real.

The conclusion is: if you're bullied go to the PM and talk to me. I might find an advice for you. And if you're a bully, stop before it's too late. Or I'll get to you and burn you to death, I swear I'll make you feel the pain. I am an evil person.

Love ya all,
Rina xx

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