💜 Magic

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Thank you Alex_the_weirdo45 for your request 

Donnie x Witch Reader

Donnie x Witch Reader

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Authors POV:

You were hanging around the city on a rooftop relaxing till something parades on your day.


Your relaxation dropped your face into a disturbed one you sat up and looked around seeing smoke coming from down the street "The day I try to something happens" you said giting up and and walking to the edge of the billing.

Seeing were the somck was coming from a shop you now you sigh and used your abominable power's to slide down to get to the soled ground.

Y/n's POV:

I ran to the shop it was still smoke coming out so I summoned my violin I did one stroke and the smoke cleared reviling a tertial with a purple bandana and electrical staff and giant snake they both looked at me then the snake hits the tertial and tries to escape.

"Oh no you don't" I said opening my canister and using my abominable to catch them and hold thim. The tertial got up and looked at the abominable holding the snake "How the" he said then looked back at me.

I looked at him and opened my other canister ready to use it "What what I'm not the enemy!" He put up his hands dropping his staff. I squinted my eyes to make it seem like i was debating "Alright then" I said closing my canister.

The tertial huffed in response I looked around the shop "What a mess" I said then as I grabbed my violent plying a smooth melody.

Donnie's POV:

I seen them playing there violent as they played it's like the sound of the of the violent was making everything fixed the shelves, items, window's, like nothing happened then I seen my staff float off the ground to me so I grabbed it.

I looked around seeing the transformation from the once destruction to a normal looking shop. "Hhhh that's better" they said I snapped my head to them "Who are you" I asked they looked at me and the opened there mouth to speak but they didn't as the sound of sirens.

"Sorry got to go" they said dashing off I left the billing running into an alley and using my staff to get me on a rooftop. I looked around to see if I can find that person "Where did you go" I said to myself.

Y/n's POV:

I got on a rooftop before the police got to the scene I stretched and looked around to find that same tertial he 'Seems to be looking for something or someone I should go over and see what he's doing' I said to myself as I hoped from roof to roof.

"What you doing" I asked the tertial jumped do to me scarring him he trend around seeing me "Hi" I said waving he brushed his self off and cleared his throat "Hello" he said in response.

I tilted my head "So what you looking for" I asked being curious "Oh I was actually looking for you, I wonted to now how you did all that  .  .  . Stuff back there" he asked "Well if you really want to now. What I didn't catch your name" I said crossing my arms.

"Oh right introductions, I'm Donatello but just call me Donnie" he said looking away then back "Well nice to meet you Donnie I'm Y/n but you can call me Y/n" I said jokingly but it looks like he doesn't like jokes.

"Well now that's over you might won't to take a seat cuz this is going to be a looooooong story"

Authors POV:

It's been a year now since you and Donnie's friendship, you really enjoyed being friends with Donnie but you felt deeper feelings for him after some months.

You've been thanking of a away to confess to him but you couldn't, every chand you had whent out the window.

But this is it you thought tonight you'll confess to him hopefully it won't go out the window like every last chance.

You were waiting on Donnie with a videogame ready and some snacks and you were frightened cuz this might be it.

*Knock Knock Knock*

'Alright Y/n pull yourself together' you said be for opening the balcony to reveal Donnie and he seems tents but you didn't pick that up "Hey Donnie ready for our game night" you said walking to the couch "Yeah but I need to" Donnie was trying to get your attention but you cut him off.

"And I got that now game that guest came out" you said going through that games Donnie walked to the couch and sat next to you "Y/n" Donnie said trying to get your attention "Oh and I herd there's a hack to get all the weapons and-" you were rambling on about the game till Donnie spoke up.

"Y/N!" Donnie raised his voice with was something he barely do around you so it cot you off hard making you jump terning twords him "Sorry sorry I guest won't to talk to you bout something" Donnie lowered his voice to a whisper 'So cute' you thought.

You sat the game's down and trend twords him "I also have something to talk to you about" you said feel nervous 'Am I really going to do this' you thought felling your stomach drop "Well you could go first" Donnie said "Oh no no no you go" you said try to stall your away out "No I insist" he said giving you a smile "Alright" you said building up your confidence.

'Come on y/n guest six word's that's all you have to say' you breathed giting ready to throw your heart at him "I have a crush on you!" You did it you actually did it. But the look on Donnie's face a blank"D . . Donnie are you o-" you reached for him but he buried his face into his hands "NOOOO I was supposed to say it" Donnie said you blinked at his response "What?" you said 'What was he going to do the same' you thought smiling to your self.

Donnie sat up and brought out "I was going to confess to you" Donnie said with a light blush on his cheeks "Okay okay you go" you said wonting him to say it. Donnie took in a breath "Will you go out with me" Donnie asked "YES!" You said jumping to him to hug him.

(Hey y'all so thing's haven't been going the way I won't them to go so this my look rushed but I won't to think Alex_the_weirdo45 again for their recommendation.
Ps: I really did won't to put more in this but I also wonted to post.

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