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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ chapter six ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚

ana's pov

as soon as we got home I fell on my bed face down. I turned around and grabbed a pillow. I screamed into the pillow so loud that Juliet had to come to check on me.

"Ana what the fuck are you doing you scared the shit out of me!" She yelled. She'd already changed into PJs.

"JULIET OH MY GOD," I said sitting up, smiling.


"Chris said my outfit was cute and that I looked pretty!" I said clearly getting more excited than I was supposed to. I guess I really like Chris.

"Oh, that's it?" She asked.

"DID YOU NOT SEE US THE WHOLE TIME? We were so connected! Oh, wait you were probably too busy staring into Matt's blue eyes." i said mocking her.


"We all know how that's going," I said and immediately regretted it.

"Ana I-"

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that."

"no, You're right. I hate Ryan. I would never have agreed to be with him if it weren't for my father." Juliet doesn't talk about this often.

"The only reason I agreed is that Ryan's dad and mine are partners. If I didn't, he'd bankrupt my dad."

"I'm so sorry. Remember you can tell me anything."

she wiped a tear away and said, "Thank you. For listening. I love you." She gave me a sweet hug and I hugged her back.

"Ana are you like in love with Chris?" she said giggling as she pulled back.

"JULIET STOP," I yelled smiling and we got into a pillow fight. Pretty violent.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫
Juliet's pov

It was Monday morning and the worst thing just happened. I got a text from my fiancé Ryan saying he's coming to the warehouse. I have no idea who sent him the location but this can't be happening.

"ANA ANA ANA!" I yelled looking for her. I was super tense.

"Is everything okay??" She said running towards me. she seemed concerned.


"Don't panic. Be calm. Go get water I'll be right back." she said running away.

Minutes later, I got an alert for an emergency meeting in the conference room. Everyone was sitting confused when I got there. And Ana at the front with a picture of Ryan on the projector. Oh my god, what is this kid doing?!

"Juliet I'm so sorry for this but we need as much help as possible. They need to know your situation." I replied nothing but she continued.

"I've gathered you here because of this guy. This blonde egotistical, toxic mother fucking narcissist." she pointed at the picture. He was in a suit at his office.

"This guy, Ryan Wetzel is juliet's fiancé. One that she doesn't love. One she would never even look at. And he's also rich as fuck. Drives a porche. But that doesn't matter. Juliet is being forced to marry this guy and I won't let that happen. I very kindly want to ask for your help to take him down. We want him not 1000km near my best friend. This is a kind request. He's going to be here in 20 minutes."

"First of all, why would you agree to marry him in the first place?" Matt asked me furious. not at me but at Ryan.

"I had no choice. I'll tell you about it later." I replied.

"We can't let it happen. We'll help you." Chris offered.

"Count me in too. All work aside for the day." Nick agreed.

"Thank you, guys. So much." I was becoming sentimental. What had I done to deserve all these people?


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