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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ chapter seven ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚

Matt's pov:

Ryan Wetzel. My mortal enemy. Not just because of Juliet but as my high school bully. As soon as I saw his face on that projector I knew it was something bad.

I can't let this guy ruin Juliet's life like he ruined mine. Ryan is the reason I got fucking anxiety.

The plan was simple. Don't do anything. But be ready in case he gets violent. He's known for that.

Juliet was really panicked. I was trying to calm her down. I went into her cabin to talk.

"Hey hey calm down. I won't let anything happen to you okay? Take deep breaths." I said lightly holding her hand. My slight touch made her flinch and then she calmed down.

"He's here. Ana informed, entering the cabin. She noticed my hand on Juliet's, which made me jerk my hand back immediately. I'm not sure why.

"JULIET BELLA ROSE WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" Ryan yelled pacing around the warehouse.

Juliet got up to go to him but I stopped her by grabbing her hand. She turned and said, "I need to do this." and left.

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Juliet's pov

"RYAN!" I yelled to get his attention. He turned to me and I yelled, "WHY ARE YOU HERE?! I'm sure I never gave you the address."

"I have my sources, babe." he smiled. I hate That fucking smile.

"I swear to god if you call me that ever again I'm gonna-"

"What? gonna do what? You're engaged to me. You're going to be my fucking wife what else would I call you?! Oh by the way WHO THE FUCK IS THIS GUY ON YOUR INSTAGRAM. I DON'T WANT YOU ANYWHERE NEAR HIM."

"OH, SO I CAN'T TALK TO ANY GUY NOW CAN I? SINCE WHEN DO I NEED YOUR FUCKING PERMISSION?! I WORK FOR HIM." I yelled back. I was trying to be brave but it was hard.

"You won't anymore. I'm taking you back to London." He said grabbing me hard and pulling me towards the exit with full force.

"STOP RIGHT THERE," Matthew yelled pulling me away from him. "You're not taking Juliet anywhere she doesn't want to go."

"Oh ho ho. Would you look at that? Matthew Sturniolo. From high school. Fucking scum." He laughed at him.

Hearing that Matt slapped him. Ryan laughed and punched him in the stomach. And that began a very violent fight between the two. I tried to break them apart but neither of them would budge.

At this point, Chris, Madi, Laura, Ana, Nick all had gathered around. Chris and Nick got them to break apart. Matt had a cut under his lip. He was bleeding on the right of his forehead.

Ryan was also bleeding but no one gave a fuck about him. "This isn't over. He said, pointing at me, and left." Fucking coward.

Ana ran and hugged me as soon as he left. Matt asked me if I was okay. "I am but you don't-"

"I'm fine it's just a cut." He said.

"Thank you," I said and he hugged me. It took me by surprise but I melted in eventually. He pulled back soon while I wanted it to last longer.

The next thing I knew, we were in the bathroom. He was sitting while I put a bandaid on his cut. We were just a couple of inches away. I could feel his breath on my neck.

"Thank you, Juliet. For this. And, I want you to know that I'm always here. You know if you want to talk. Not just this. Anything. Don't hesitate to hit me up anytime."

"Matt what you did for me today is something I can never forget. I really appreciate it." This moment between us, we clicked. I could tell he was happy that I'm at peace. I'm also happy he is.

We all know he can fight.

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