Morgan and Reid

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Show: Criminal Minds
Watch: Netflix

Morgan POV
I stare blankly at Spencer as he throws his pen down in frustration.

"What's with the attitude?" I chuckle, standing up and walking over.

"This unsub is just completely random and selects victims at a random. I can't piece it together." He growls in frustration, slamming his hand down and pushing the files away.

"Woah boy, cool your jets." I chuckle as I pick the files up.

Spencer stands up and rolls his eyes, giving me a harsh glare.

"I'm the one expected to figure everything out so don't tell me to calm the hell down." He growls, walking out the room.

I shake my head and go back to trying to piece this together.

As I'm looking at the the pictures, I notice a small print on the victims jawline.

I grab a magnifying glass and I chuckle.

The idiot put his name on the victims.

On the Jet

"Morgan how did you even catch that?" Jj asks and Spencer pushes his coffee off the table and glares at Jj.

"It wasn't even that hard of a find. He was just the only one with a magnifying glass." Spencer growls darkly, tired of hearing of the case.

He angrily stomped to the back of the jet, breaking something on the way there.

"Nope I'm done." I announce and Rossi raises an eyebrow.

I walk to the back of the jet and Spencer is sitting on the couch, bouncing his leg.

I close the door and go to him, crouching down to meet his eyes.

"Go away jackass."

"Why are you being a brat right now?" I ask and he gives me a deadly look.

"Why are you in my fucking business?" He shot back and I lowered my head with a chuckle.

"You want some water to help cool your jets?"

"What part of get out of my business do you not understand, Derek?"

I stand up and grab his arm, pulling him towards me.

I try to hug him but he shoves me away.

I pull him towards me again but this time I force his upper half over my arm and slap his small butt.

"The hell!?"

"Now unless you want a full one you can talk to me, without the attitude." I warn and Spencer flairs his nostrils.

He turns to leave but I block him.

"You walk out the door and I'll spank you in-front of everyone."

He looks at me for a second and rolls his eyes but stays put.

"What?" He asks sassily, putting all his weight on one foot.

"You're attitude is what. Now listen to me and listen to me closely, Spencer. You can either A, drop the attitude and go apologize to everyone for throwing a fit, or B, I can spank you like I would a child, and then you can go out there and apologize."

"You wish." He snorts before walking out.

I take a breath and Rossi gives me an odd look. He did this to me once, and that once was all it took.

He raised an eyebrow and he tilted his head towards Spencer as I lifted and folded a table back into the wall.

"Jj, you mind if we have this seat?" I ask and she nods standing up and going to sit by Rossi.

Emily gives me a strange look and Hotch rolls his eyes.

"You sure you wanna do this?" Rossi asks and I nod as I grab Spencer's arm, lead him to the seat, and pull him over my lap.

"Still strong from down here?" I ask as I trap his legs between my own.

"Hotch you owe me twenty bucks." Jj snorts as I raise my hand and slam it down onto his small butt.

I quickly get into a rhythm of slapping random places stretching from his butt to upper thighs.

"This attitude you have with everyone, ends now." I order and he nods, grabbing onto my pants leg for support.

We go silent again and everyone is watching the scene unfold, Emily just staring in shock.

"Hotch, by any chance you got a hairbrush or wooden spoon in your bag?" I ask and h reaches in, handing me a wooden spoon.


"Emergencies." Hotch shrugs and I pause for a moment, taking the spoon and setting it against Spencer's thigh.

He twitched and tenses up before I raise it and lay it down to his thigh.

"Get the undercurve where butt meets thigh." Rossi points out and I nod, aiming there next.

After a few more whacks, I pull Spencer up and sit him on the bench beside me. He quickly wipes away his tears and bites his lip, looking out the window.

I slap the spoon on his thigh and he gasps, more tears flooding his eyes.

"Apologize." I order and he looks around.

"I'm sorry guys." He forces out and I look to Jj.

"Why does Hotch owe you money?" I ask and Jj rolls her eyes.

"I bet you would get fed up and punish him probably by spanking him since that's what Rossi did to you but Hotch said you wouldn't do anything until we landed af home and at most have a talk with him." Jj shrugs her shoulders and I shake my head.

Spencer just stares out the window and I feel sympathy for my buddy. I just rub his shoulder and ruffle his hair up a bit, ultimately deciding to leave him alone.

I stand up and go to Emily's table and play cards with her for a while. After the end of our first game of battle, I look over and see Spencer laying with his head on Jj's shoulder, passed out sleeping.

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