Erwin and Levi

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*This has been in my drafts for a while

Levi POV

I feel like shit. My whole body hurts and to make it worse Eren has been acting like a brat all day, catching attitudes with me every time I ask him to do something. 

Erwin walks into my room and shoves the back of his hand against my forehead.

"Get back in bed. You're running a fever and I don't need you spreading it." He says coldly and I glare at him. 

"I've got work to do." I respond in a simple manner, watching his face scrunch up. 

"Get your ass back in that bed. I'll have someone else do your chores."

"Eren has an attitude." I shoot back and he narrows his glare at me.

"I catch you out of this room, we're gonna have some serious issues, got me Levi?" He warns darkly and I sigh. 

"Yes, commander." 

With a subtle, (and aggravated) nod, he leaved the room and I'm by myself. I leave my ODM gear on my desk and lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, feeling my aches and pains slowly go away as I fall asleep.

"GET YOUR ASS UP!" I hear and I grip my head, opening my eyes to see Eren staring at me with a pissy expression. 

"Get out."

"No because I just had to do all your fucking chores! Get your lazy ass out of bed!" 

"Scream again and I'll beat your ass," I groan pulling the blankets over my head. 

He yanks my blankets off, screams in my face, and walks out of the room, slamming my door shut. 

I groan and sit up, rubbing my temple. 

I stand up and slip some shoes on, walking out my room and making my way to Eren's room. He's not there, but I spot Mikasa in the hall. 

"Have you seen Eren?" I ask and she nods, "Where?"

"He's in the common room, and he's pissing me off." She grumbles, walking away from me.

I make my way to the common room and find Erwin in Eren's face, scolding him. 

"Good enough to get out of bed now, huh?" Eren asks, shooting me a glare. 

Erwin turns around and I see his face contort to straight anger. I ignore it, and walk over to Eren. I grab his arm and without a word, pull him to the kitchen, both Hange and Armin are sitting there eating. 

"Feeling better?" Hange asks sincerely and I ignore her as I grab a wooden spoon out of the drawer. 

Armin's eyes go wide as sit in a chair and bring Eren over my lap. Still without saying anything, I begin to rain heavy swats to his backside with the spoon. 

Hange stares in horror and Armin gets up and walks out, yet neither tries to stop me. 

Eren starts trying to fight and squirm away from the heavy swats but I throw my right leg over the both of his arm start smacking his thighs. 

"Quit being a little bitch." I scold him and with 5 more swats I let him up. 

Erwin stares at me and I recall his warning to me earlier. 

"Hange, go take a shower. You too Eren." He orders darkly and Eren stands still, staring at me in horror as I stand up. 

"Disobey me again and I'll pull a belt on you." I tell the soldier and he gives me a small nod with his quivering chin, tears threatening to spill out his eyes.  "Dismissed."

He quickly turns around and walks out, walking stiffly. 

"Get to your room. I'll be up in a minute." Erwin orders and I sigh, accepting my fate and walking to my room. 

I stop by Eren's room and find him laying face down on his bed, his shoulders shaking.

I take a deep breath and walk in, closing his door behind me.  Feeling sympathy for the teen, I sit beside him and rub his back. 

"I apologize for spanking you in front of others." I say softer and he rolls over onto his side. 

His face is tear stained and I feel a small pang of guilt. 

"I was being a bitch." He mutters and I shake my head. 

"I shouldn't have embarrassed you like that."

" 's okay."

"Go take a shower, I'm pretty sick and Erwin doesn't want anyone else getting whatever I've got." I order, patting his shoulder. 

He nods and gets up, rubbing his backside. 

I slap his hand away and glare at him. He nods and walks off. I make my way to my room and my face pales seeing Erwin sitting on my bed, with the same wooden spoon I just used on Eren beside him. 

"Shut the door." He orders and I stand still in shock, "Now."

"Can I just go back to bed?" I ask pathetically, shutting my bedroom door.

"After we're done." He shrugs and I groan as he beckons his finger at me. 

I take a deep breath and walk over, willingly laying over his knees knowing there's no use in fighting.

I brace my hands on the floor and close my eyes. 

He taps the spoon on my thigh before slamming it down onto my backside. He's quick to get into a pattern and a sting is quick to build. 

"I was actually about to take Eren to his room and tear him up, because I heard what happened when I came to check on you. I never have to correct you for disobeying orders and I don't plan on this becoming a habit. Understood?" 

"Yes sir." I groan, taking a deep breath to prevent from crying. 

"You potentially spread whatever this is to Eren, Armin, and Hange. Speaking of which you owe all three an apology for spanking him in front of them." 

He starts aiming at my thighs and I ball my fist up and put it in my mouth. 

He stops and grabs my bicep, pulling me up. 

I turn my face away and take a shaky breath. Erwin grabs my chin and forces me to look at him.

"If we address this again, I won't be as lenient because your sick. Understood?"

"Yes Commander." I force out and he nods. 

Erwin rubs my shoulder before taking the spoon and walking out the room, shutting the door. 

Just as he leaves, Hange walks in fuming. 

"I'd have half a mind to wear you out." She says frustrated, "Actually I was coming to then I heard some slaps and figured Eren was getting it. Waited, then I watched Erwin walk out with a spoon. Are you okay?" 

She speaks softly at the end and stares at my face. 

"I'm fine."

She laughs and walks over, slapping my backside.

I jump and she chuckles.

"He got you good." 

"Go away." I grumble and she shocks me by wrapping her arms around my shoulders. 

"I know Erwin can wield a spoon." She says softly and I feel tears brimming at my eyes. 

She lets go and hands me a bottle. 

"I got you some medicine, pretty sure you've got a nasty virus." She smirks and I nod, "Get your hind end in that bed." 

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