Ray and Henry

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Show: Henry Danger
Watch on: Netflix

Part 2

Henry POV

Piper squirms as we drive to Junk N Stuff and when we get out the car she's near tears.

"It hurts to sit." She whines and I roll my eyes as we walk to the back.

"Hey Charlotte and Jasper. Swuaz why are you up here?" I ask and he rolls his eyes.

Charlotte shrugs. Piper and I get in the elevator and she goes to touch a random lever asking what it does.

Before she can, we drop and she's holding on. As soon as the doors open, I pin her to my side and land 5 sharp swats to her backside.

That's enough to make her scream and cry while trying to get away.

"We just got through with not touching things." I warn and when I look up Ray snorts.

"Piper, sit." Ray orders and her eyes go wide.

"I can't."

"Sit on a pillow or stand in a corner." He orders and she takes a moment.

She walks to Swuaz's super fluffy spin chair and sits in it.

"What's up?" I ask cautiously and he grabs my arm.

"What have I told you about lying to me?" He asks darkly as turns me to the side and slaps my butt 5 hard times.

"When did I lie?" I ask, using my hand to shield my butt from any more attacks.

"Did you fully take Piper over your knee and spank her in that room?" He asks and I stop for a moment.

"She wasn't over my knee but I did." I admit, not willing to lie to his face.

He lowers his head and laughs before turning me to the side again and landing 5 more hard swats.

"Gah!" I groan when the fifth swat hits my thigh.

"You said you spanked her."

"I did!" I scream and he pins me against his hip before landing 10 really hard swats.

"Stop!" I scream and he stands me up.

"You lied to me, and don't you dare for a second try and be literal with me and say you didn't." He growls as tears form in my eyes.

"What makes you think I didn't spank her?" I ask shocked and he points to the TV.

"Swuaz pulled cameras up wondering who was in his room and then complained she got off so easily because I would have wore you out." He explains and I see Piper's face fall.


"Now you're both getting spanked!" He announces as he lets go, who's first.

"Ray, you're not touching Piper." I say darkly and he chuckles.

"Oh and you're gonna stop me?" He asks taunting and I roll my eyes.

"I spanked her at the house." I say in a low tone and he crosses his arms.

"And how do I know that?" He asks and I walk over to Piper, pulling her up.

"Puffy eyes? Red nose? Tear streaks?" I point out and Ray shakes his head.

"You lied to me, Henry. Piper this is your only warning." Ray warns as he starts to unbuckle his belt.

"Yeah respectfully, unless I'm aware of it first you're not touching her." I growl and Ray shrugs.

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