Chapter 1 (Marisol)

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"Kata, please hurry! I'm running late for class!" I urgently call out down the hallway, desperately hoping my sister catches my plea. It's become a daily routine for her to make me rush while dropping her off at school. As if having an early morning biology class isn't dreadful enough, I also have the responsibility of chauffeuring Katalina to school on Thursdays and Fridays.

I turn around, and there she is, leaning against my bedroom door, her presence impossible to ignore. With her luscious brown locks elegantly pinned back, a few rebellious strands strategically framing her face, she asks, "Do I look pretty, Sol?" Today, she has dared to add a bold touch of bright pink blush, a choice too audacious for school. I can't help but sigh in exasperation. "Why do you insist on wearing so much makeup? You're only fifteen."

I stride over to her, gently removing the excess blush from her face, artfully toning down the vibrant hue to a more sophisticated shade. "There we go. Now you look absolutely flawless," I remark with a touch of finesse. She gazes up at me, a radiant smile illuminating her face. It's moments like these that remind me how Katalina sees me as the captivating center of her universe. 

"Girls! What's taking so long? Breakfast is getting cold, and your dad needs to rush to the office. We've been waiting for you to dig in," my mom chimes in with an annoyed tone, gently herding us towards the door. I quickly snatch my backpack, not wanting to waste any more time. I was going to be late for class if we didn't leave in the next fifteen minutes. 

"Kata, you've got a solid ten minutes to fuel up. We're hitting the road by 8:30," I inform my sister, our steps echoing as we descend the staircase and enter the kitchen. My father is seated in the dining room, greeted by a splendid array of plates arranged meticulously by my mother.  A Spanish omelet, freshly baked bread, a delightful assortment of jam, aromatic coffee, and a vibrant medley of fruits adorn the table. I can't help but flash a big grin. "Mom, this looks absolutely amazing!"

A beaming grin spreads across my mother's face as she replies, "I wanted to ensure both my girls start their first day of class on a high note." We sat down at the table and began to eat. Mid-bite, my father broke the silence, "Girls, how would you feel about your mother and me taking a little getaway, just the two of us, next weekend?"

My eyes lit up with excitement as I replied, "That sounds amazing, Daddy!"

Surprised, my father's brows furrowed, and he asked with a hint of concern, "Really? You don't mind staying in with your sister?"

I reassured him without hesitation, "Of course not, Dad. You and Mom deserve some quality time together. We'll be just fine."

With a gesture of agreement, my mother clasped her hands together and announced, "Then it's settled!" She directed a smile at my father, but I could sense a hint of reservation in her eyes. Katalina slammed down her fork in annoyance and started to express her frustration, "I don't need a babysitter! I'm fifteen, I can handle myself without Sol."

My father attempted to interject, "Of course not, sweet--"

But my mother swiftly interrupted, her tone stern and commanding, "Exactly, Katalina. You're fifteen, you're a child and you will let your sister take care of you." When our mother spoke, we couldn't help but listen. She possessed a commanding presence that demanded our attention. The remainder of breakfast passed in relative silence, but it was evident that Kata's eyes were fixed on me, observing my every move. She had a tendency to mirror my actions, wanting to emulate my choices, tagging along whenever I went out, and even attempting to dress like me. It should have been flattering to have a younger sister who admired me so much, but there were moments when I couldn't help but feel that she was rushing to grow up far too quickly.

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