Chapter 2

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That night, at exactly 9 PM, a distinct sound echoed through the air—the soft closure of a car door. Antonio was a man known for his unwavering punctuality, he never failed to be on time. While I acknowledged this admirable trait, it somehow managed to irk me for reasons unknown.

As I descended the stairs, my mother's eyes brightened with delight upon seeing me, perfectly prepared with a hint of pink lip gloss. A small part of me, driven by a rebellious spirit, contemplated severing ties with Antonio.

Soon, I found myself stepping into his sleek cherry red Porsche, the epitome of sophistication. True to his chivalrous nature, Antonio gallantly opened the door for me before we embarked on our adventure. Throughout the car ride, my curiosity persisted, prompting me to incessantly prod Antonio for hints about our destination. However, he remained steadfast, refusing to reveal any details about our date.

The only thing he had offered up was that Martina would be present—a surprising agreement on her part, considering it deviated from Antonio's usual tendencies. This thought exhilarated me because it meant we were about  to depart from the familiar world of Antonio.

We embarked on a midnight journey along a dimly lit street that skirted the outskirts of the city, hugging the port where massive vessels diligently loaded and unloaded cargo—an oddly peculiar location, I couldn't help but remark. Glancing at Antonio, I playfully quipped, "So, Mr. Serial Killer, care to enlighten us on our mysterious destination?"

Wearing a mischievous smirk, Antonio turned his gaze towards me. "Well," he began, "it all started when I stumbled upon an interesting guy while leaving my chemistry class. He was passing out flyers,promoting an upcoming event. Initially, the idea didn't appeal to me in the slightest." He paused for a moment, relishing the suspense before continuing in a smug tone, "But, thanks to some persuasive nudges from Martina—delivered with a hint of ass-kicking—I eventually succumbed to the idea. Best-case scenario, I make some extra cash, and worst-case scenario, you'll have a memorable experience."

My curiosity piqued to new heights as I observed Antonio's uncharacteristic enthusiasm. This was an Antonio I had never encountered before. We parked in what initially appeared to be a desolate location, but as we stepped out of the car and turned the corner, a vibrant scene unfolded before my eyes—a bustling gathering filled with cars and buzzing with energy. Faint echoes of cheers resonated in the distance, reminiscent of a roaring crowd within a grand stadium or the fervor of a passionate baseball game.

"This is going to be an absolute blast, babe," Antonio exclaimed, brimming with excitement. As we approached a colossal structure, the deafening roars grew more pronounced. With a flourish, Antonio swung open the door, revealing the clandestine venue for our date. I could scarcely believe my eyes. Before me stood a weathered and worn boxing ring, reminiscent of the ones I had witnessed on television, albeit displaying distinct marks and stains that told stories of countless battles fought within its confines.

"It seems we missed the opening bout," Antonio casually remarked, his nonchalance only adding to the intrigue. "No worries, though, because Martina and I had our bets reserved for the third fight." The words tumbled from his lips, painting a picture of a side of Antonio I had never imagined—a departure from his usual self, and I found myself absolutely captivated by the unexpected turn of events.

Suddenly, as if emerging from thin air, a figure stealthily approached from behind and enveloped me in an embrace. Startled, I spun around, only to be met by the smirking face of my best friend.

Martina leaned in closely, her words drifting in a whisper only we could perceive, "If by some chance you find yourself actually falling in love with Antonio tonight, let it be known that this entire extraordinary date was my brainchild, and he deserves no credit whatsoever." Her mischievous statement elicited a burst of laughter from deep within me; Martina never missed an opportunity to remind me of her disdain for Antonio.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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