The Rhodes not Taken

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The New Directions were practicing “Don’t Stop Believing” in the choir room. Ouinn taking the lead and not Rachel which delighted Mickey to no end,him hoping that soon he’d have a chance to sing a solo.

The hummel boy had seemed to regain the light in his eyes, his friends still kept him on watch. The few days after the game lexi had, as she said, “started over” the process of making him the perfect boyfriend or in her eyes the perfect human. This process had started shortly after they started dating, she had shown him how she was the only person that truly loved him and that the people he thought were like family to him only stuck around out of pity. The only way that they would truly love him was if he became in her words “the perfect human” and after his mistake at the game he had to start from scratch. The light, like said before, had come back as his girlfriend seemed proud of his progress. The abuse however, had only grown but him being fed lies believed it was love.

As Mickey was dancing between Mike and Brittany, the song almost reached the chorus when suddenly Quinn put a hand on her mouth retching as she quickly made her way out of the choir room.

"I think she just had a bad breakfast burrito." Finn quickly lied, trying to cover up Quinn's strange behavior. Mickey frowned and quickly made His way to the bathroom to comfort his friend. They weren’t the best of friends but they were still friends and she was obviously not ok.

“Q!!” he shouted, turning to see her in the hall, “everything ok?”

“No, everything is not ok,” she spat, annoyed by the stupid question “Do you think it’s all ok, God you can be so stupid sometimes"she questioned making his fist clench, her tone unlike lexi’s making him angry

“Well, I’m sorry” he began lowly, making her tense seeing that he was beginning to become angry,”if i just wanted to help a friend, I may not know much about friendship,” he spoke with a genuine tone chuckling slightly, fist still clenched knuckles turning white, “but if I had a friend who asked if I was ok, I’d be fucking grateful” he muttered, his eyes staring into her soul filling up with tears but seeming distant, walking towards her causing her to back up,”but I guess this is your way of telling me we aren’t huh? All this time and i finally get real proof,” he chuckled again,this time the tears more prominent, “heh, I’m a fucking fool,” he seemed to say more to himself as his eyes seemed to blank out for a moment, Quinn wondering where he went jumping as he abruptly backed up seeming to come back his eyes becoming more aware of where he was,”i’m sorry, I don’t-” he apologized but was interrupted

“No,no,” Quinn spoke feeling guilty,”it was my fault, we are friends I just..” she paused not knowing if she should finish

Mickey picking up on this said “It’s fine yea, I just uh..” he paused running a hand through his hair, not really knowing what to say as he failed to recall the past few minutes of the conversation, “How bout we just forget whatever this was?” he asked though it was more so a statement

“Yes, ofcourse” Quinn agreed, watching as he walked away noticing that he seemed confused like he hadn’t a clue what just happened and the discoloration on his neck but stayed silent as it wasn’t her business, plus if something like that was happening he would tell someone like Sue or Kurt and his anger alone would get him out….right?


It was the next day and Mickey was once again in the choir room this time seated between Mike and Kurt. Mr.Shue stood by the white board with a happy expression next to him was a skinny,
short blonde, who was also smiling. Mickey had no idea who she was,however he could smell the alcohol from where he sat.

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