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"You won't have it easy here, you brat" Merida and her friends look down at me.

My headband has fallen to my forehead and my body hurts. Merida and her friends say I've had it easy my whole life, that it'll be too much if I have fun in school. So they hurt me.

It doesn't hurt that much though. I can bare it.

The bell rings and Merida disappears, not before giving me one last kick on my leg. I stand up before students start coming out of they're classes, my legs are sore and my face probably looks like a corpses, but is okay. I'm okay.

A/N: They didn't hit her in the face, she meant her face is pale by "corpses"


We're in the car. The seatbelt is wrapped around my waist, I stare at it and remember when Elias teached me everything about a seatbelt. Macy is sitting next to me, and the twins are in front of the car.

Everything was okay until Macy scoots closer to me and with her long pocky nails she pushes her thumb inside the skin of her arm, making a skinny bloody line. My eyes widened as I watch blood flow from her arm. She grabs my hand and places it on top of her injured arm. I'm frozen and can't remove myself.

"Ow, Angelica!" Macy cries out. Enzo who was in the front seat turned his head towards us and looked down at Macys bloody arm. "What happened!"

"A-Angelinca scratched m-me" Macy draws her eye brows together and a tear slips from her eye.

"What the hell..." Armani says. He sounded mad. "I-I'm..." My voice gets stuck in my throat, I can't seem to speak properly, to defend myself from Macys lies.

"Just shut up" Armani says lowly, he starts to move to the side of the road and stop his car. Macy is crying loudly next to me, clutching her arm with her good hand.

My mind is so overwhelmed with everything happening I just want to rip my hair out.

"Get out" My head snaps at Enzo's word. I stare at his hazel eyes with a saddened look. Why...

I didn't hurt her.

"You can walk home, get out!" My mouth opens and shuts closed. I unbuckle my seatbelt quietly and open the heavy car door. My feet touch the floor and I turn to face the car, eyes connecting with Macys, a flash of satisfaction passes through her eyes. 

The moment I close the door they drive off.  My gaze no longer follows the moving car. What's done is done, there's no point on getting sad. My throat stings and I feel this familiar knot that makes it difficult to swallow.

You need to go back home Angelica.

But my heart doesn't yearn to go there anymore. All the good memories have been covered by bad ones.

I don't want to go back there. It's torture. Jack is.

It's only been a month since Macy started making me feel sad all the time, I know I can hold on for longer, but I don't want to anymore.

My brothers have been staying away from me too. Macy always blames me for bad things, and they believe her, Elias is starting to believe her. Soon i'll be all on my own again. I don't want that, to continue living like this. 

When they look at me all I feel are needles to my heart. Mother made me feel that enough when she was alive.

I walk, and I walk until my feet hurt. My lifeless eyes come across a small river across the sidewalk. My feet walks toward it until i'm face to face with the water. Crouching down on my knees my hand grazes over the cool water.

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