・The Diary・

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Stan: I-I...remember...everything..oh god...

*Stan said while looking scared.Stan started to tear up violently.*

Stan: i'm so sorry Kyle.. i didn't want to do any of this!

 *Stan was crying intensely. Stan was filled with guilt & shame for what he's done*

Kyle: I don't think I'm going to school today...

Stan: I agree.. you need to rest..

*Stan was still crying*

Stan: i was such an idiot for causing all of this.. i should had taken no for an answer.

*Stan was filled with guilt & hate for himself for doing this to his friend*

Kyle: I'll be right back...

Stan: Ok.. you take your time!

 *  Stan continued to feel guilty as he started to walk into another room to process everything that had happened that night*

*Stan was filled with guilt & shame for causing his friend pain.Stan continued crying in his bedroom in shame*

*stan found Kyle diary. Stan was curious so he decided to look in it for curiosity*

 Stan opened the diary to read: Dear diary. It's been so long since we started school and for the past few months Stan had been acting strange. But then one night. Stan did something i couldn't believe. I was kidnapped by him! why would he do that to me?. i don't know..i don't understand why.. he's my best friend. but i can't trust any of my friends now since this happened. I feel..scared..

 *Stan suddenly got an idea.Stan smiled a evil smile.*

Kyle: Stan? What are you doing?

*Stan Starts panicking*

Stan: uh uhh nothing! i'm not doing anything! 

*Stan was lying to Kyle*

*Stan thought: i wonder if Kyle thinks i'm still a friend to him.Stan was confused on if Kyle would still be his friend or if Kyle hates him now after what Stan's done to him*

*Stan was still confused on what to even think or say*

Stan thought: what if my friends hates me now?.

Kyle: oh okay then.

 Stan: phew.. it's just that.. i-i saw you were crying before. .. are you feeling any better now? 

*Stan asked. Stan was curious of how Kyle was feeling after crying.Stan looked worried yet concerned*

*stan started to keep reading the diary*

Stan inner voice said: Hey! don't invade my friend's personal space ya hear!?

*Stan's inner voice sounded serious yet a little concerned*

* Stan continued to keep reading Kyle's diary.*

Stan thought: hmm.. this is interesting.. maybe i'll use it against him..

*Yandere Stan was thinking of something evil & devious to do*

*the next day*

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