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*Stan was at school.*

*Stan saw Kyle sitting alone during a break.Stan approached Kyle*

Stan: Kyle can i talk to you for a minute?

*Stan then took Kyle out of earshot and walked away with Kyle.Stan then started to talk to Kyle out of earshot*

 Stan said: Hey Kyle look.. i just want to say i'm really sorry for what i did last night..

*Stan was starting to tear up a little bit Stan was still filled*

Kyle: ...That happened a week ago Stan.

 Stan: really? damn.. time flies so fast..

*Stan said while smiling*

 Stan: it felt like i did that bad thing to him just right now..

*Stan was still smiling while tearing up.Stan continued to feel guilty as he talked to Kyle*

Stan said: Well anyways i just want you to know that i'm sorry..

*Stan was still starting to tear up as he talked to Kyle*

Kyle: Ok fine I forgive you, But if you do it again I'm not forgiving you.

 Stan: you..Forgive me..!? are you absolutely sure..? you're not mad at me..?

*Stan said with a tear in his eye. Stan was surprised that Kyle has forgiven him for what he did and was happy that Kyle has forgiven him.*

Kyle: I have a question though. Does Kenny & Cartman know?

Stan: oh god no.. they don't know.. 

*Stan said with a guilty look.* 

 Stan thought: oh god.. am i really supposed to keep it a secret from my best friends? what should i do..?

*Stan had an evil idea*

Kyle: I have a bad feeling you have a plan

Stan thought: How did he find out..?

Stan said: No.. this isn't possible.. how can he know that i have a plan..

*Stan started to feel scared and nervous*

Stan said: No i'm sure he doesn't know about my evil plan..

*Stan said with a fake worried look*

Kyle: Nah I must be hallucinating.

Stan said: Huh..? did you just say hallucinating..

*Stan looked both confused and concerned*

 Stan then did an evil look*

 Stan said: Why would you be hallucinating..?

 *Stan didn't seem to be too worried.Stan didn't know if Kyle was still suspicious on him or not* 

Kyle: Lately I been seeing stuff that not there.

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