*Stan was at school.*
*Stan saw Kyle sitting alone during a break.Stan approached Kyle*
Stan: Kyle can i talk to you for a minute?
*Stan then took Kyle out of earshot and walked away with Kyle.Stan then started to talk to Kyle out of earshot*
Stan said: Hey Kyle look.. i just want to say i'm really sorry for what i did last night..
*Stan was starting to tear up a little bit Stan was still filled*
Kyle: ...That happened a week ago Stan.
Stan: really? damn.. time flies so fast..
*Stan said while smiling*
Stan: it felt like i did that bad thing to him just right now..
*Stan was still smiling while tearing up.Stan continued to feel guilty as he talked to Kyle*
Stan said: Well anyways i just want you to know that i'm sorry..
*Stan was still starting to tear up as he talked to Kyle*
Kyle: Ok fine I forgive you, But if you do it again I'm not forgiving you.
Stan: you..Forgive me..!? are you absolutely sure..? you're not mad at me..?
*Stan said with a tear in his eye. Stan was surprised that Kyle has forgiven him for what he did and was happy that Kyle has forgiven him.*
Kyle: I have a question though. Does Kenny & Cartman know?
Stan: oh god no.. they don't know..
*Stan said with a guilty look.*
Stan thought: oh god.. am i really supposed to keep it a secret from my best friends? what should i do..?
*Stan had an evil idea*
Kyle: I have a bad feeling you have a plan
Stan thought: How did he find out..?
Stan said: No.. this isn't possible.. how can he know that i have a plan..
*Stan started to feel scared and nervous*
Stan said: No i'm sure he doesn't know about my evil plan..
*Stan said with a fake worried look*
Kyle: Nah I must be hallucinating.
Stan said: Huh..? did you just say hallucinating..
*Stan looked both confused and concerned*
Stan then did an evil look*
Stan said: Why would you be hallucinating..?
*Stan didn't seem to be too worried.Stan didn't know if Kyle was still suspicious on him or not*
Kyle: Lately I been seeing stuff that not there.
Mistério / SuspenseIt's was a normal day like always and Kyle was at his desk. Stan was behind him. Stan was starting at Kyle. Kyle was unsure why. When Kyle looked at Stan he was blushing a bit at kyle. Kyle slowly looked back to the blackboard. Kyle was still not su...