[ 15 ]

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The line went dead.





Jeongin watched Felix, a look of terror on his face. Everything had gone wrong. Black Shag had discovered their facade, which meant they knew they may have been lying about Chan.

SKZ was screwed.

Felix pushed away from his desk and stood up. He took a deep breath and put two hands on it. He could feel a load of stress and worry weighing him down as he leaned against the table.

"What do we do, Yongbok?"

Yongbok. That was his name used only in seriousness. In all seriousness. Jeongin was one of the only members who dared use it, but Felix didn't mind too much—he was working on that—not minding as much.

Felix held the cigar in his tense hand between his stiff thumb and forefinger. The pleasant, hazy feeling was no longer there, so with a huff, he blew a long shaft of smoke from his plump, but dry lips, and jabbed the tobacco stick into an ashtray. He spoke gruffly, his gaze hardened in determination.

"Get the boys, we need to move now."

Chan was aroused rather aggressively by a worried-looking Jisung. "Hyung, you need to get up. We have to go!" In a flutter of daze and bafflement, Chan was hurried out of bed and told to help the seven other boys load things into vans. It was almost nine at night, so around nine hours of sleep. More than Chan usually got, but not enough as of right now.

Jisung was shoving clothes in suitcases. Hyunjin was running back and forth with different sorts of weaponry. Changbin was dismantling what little gym equipment they had and stuffing it into bags. Minho was trying to get a cat into its crate, and Felix and Jeongin were nowhere to be seen.

Chan stood sluggish in the rush of it all, wondering what the hell he was supposed to do to help.

"Felix!" he shouted, leaving the bedroom and looking down the hall.

"Felix!" he shouted again.

Still no answer.

He went into the kitchen and then the lounge. "Yongbok!" he yelled.

A blob of faded orange hair popped out from another bedroom's doorframe. "Eh?" Felix said hastily, before disappearing back in. Chan went quickly after him.

"What did you want me to do?" he asked, watching his boyfriend unplug computer monitors and stack them by the door. Jeongin was wiping hard drives and deleting all sorts of data. Chan could see the lines of code vanishing at a record pace.

"Can you start taking these outback to one of the vans?" Felix said, lifting a monitor and placing it in the latter's arms.

"Sure," Chan replied and rushed out of the room.

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