The source

13 4 0

As Filmore and the rest of his team entered the void, they were met with nothingness, except for the strange glitched monsters that roamed around. After some searching, they finally found a group of people nearby, and among them was Ingrid, the third member of Filmore's team who had gone missing.

Filmore rushed over to her with relief in his eyes, and as he approached her, she noticed him and stood up to embrace him. "Filmore! It's so good to see you!" Ingrid said, grinning widely.

Filmore hugged her back, and as he pulled back, he smiled at her. "It's so good to see you too, Ingrid. You have no idea how much I missed you."

Ingrid chuckled. "I can imagine. It's been tough without you, partner."

Filmore nodded, his eyes softening. "I'm just glad you're safe. We'll all get out of here together."

Ingrid nodded, determination evident in her eyes. "Definitely. We'll get through this, together."

Creatures started attack them Filmore was protecting everyone as he blasted there way towards them knocking some of the out .

As they prepared to fight their way out of the void, Filmore felt a renewed sense of hope. He knew that with Ingrid by his side, they could solve and get out of here. And no matter where their adventures took them, he knew that they would always have each other's backs.
How many agents are with you ?
Ingrid(sad)Filmore this is all we got .there was 13of us now it's 6. They sacrifice themselves for our survival .

Filmore looked at Ingrid with a mixture of sadness and admiration. "I'm sorry to hear that. They were brave agents, and their sacrifice won't be forgotten. But I'm glad to see that you and the other survivors made it out okay."

Ingrid smiled sadly. "Yes, it was tough going, but we managed to survive. We're all here for each other, and that's what kept us going."

Filmore nodded, knowing that in times like these, it was important to stick together. "We'll make sure that the ones who didn't make it are honored and remembered for their bravery. And we'll fight even harder to make sure that no one else has to make the same sacrifice."

Ingrid smiled, the same determined look back in her eyes. "Right. We'll get through this together, no matter what."

As they continued on their journey through the void, Filmore couldn't help but feel grateful for Ingrid's strength and resilience. She was a true partner, and he knew that they'd make it through this together.

Gumball :guys this is heartwarming but this place give me the creeps .
And I think I remembered the worse about this.

As they left they heard a giant voice it was a pixelated man. Gumball it's nice to meet you you fell for my trap. Remember me.
Gumball: I'm sorry who are you ?
It's me Rob!!!
Darwin :oh rob
Oh no gumball it's rob we got to get out of here now.
Filmore: look your gonna let us go or I will. Next thing you know they both got picked up and was thrown In the air being lifted by Rob. Your in the void but I am the void.

The group is in trouble .

Filmore and the group were caught off guard by Rob's sudden attack. They were helpless against his overwhelming power, and as they were thrown into the air, they braced themselves for the worst.

Rob's grip tightened on Gumball and Darwin, and the others watched in fear as he unravelled the void, revealing darker things lurking beneath. Everyone else had been given the chance to leave, but for some reason, Gumball had been singled out.

Filmore stepped forward, his eyes narrowing. "Leave him alone, Rob. He's just a kid. He's coming with me."

Rob chuckled darkly. "Suit yourself, detective. But know that your actions have consequences. Everyone Gumball knows and loves will die or be forgotten."

With that chilling declaration, Rob disappeared into the darkness, taking Gumball and Darwin with him. Filmore turned to the remaining group, his eyes filled with determination. "We have to find them. We can't leave them there."

The others nodded, knowing that they would do whatever it takes to rescue their friends. They prepared themselves for what lay ahead, steeling their resolve and pushing aside their fear.

As they journeyed deeper into the void, they encountered strange and terrifying creatures, and the very fabric of reality seemed to distort under their feet. But they pressed on, searching for any sign of Gumball and Darwin.

After what seemed like hours of searching, they finally came across a dimly lit chamber. In the center of the room stood Gumball and Darwin, looking haggard and beaten.

Filmore rushed forward, relieved to see his friends alive. "Gumball, Darwin, we're here to rescue you."

But before they could escape, they were attacked by Rob once again, who had returned stronger and more menacing than ever. The battle was intense, but with their combined strength, Filmore and his companions managed to defeat him, and Gumball and Darwin were finally free.

They emerged from the void, exhausted but triumphant. Filmore turned to Gumball and Darwin, smiling warmly. "We did it. We saved you, and everyone is safe."

Gumball grinned back, relief in his eyes. Pal . You really are a great detective."
I was really expecting us to never be found but hey.
Fools you can't defeat Rob!!!
They stared back in horror .

Rob use a fake hologram and cracked the ground making them all fall into another world .Gumball was hanging off the cliff and fell along with everyone else to the other world.
Cliffhanger!!!!  Rob stares at the camera

As the ground Cliffhanger

Cartoon Crossover  : Nexus  Event  : the hidden void Where stories live. Discover now