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Today's first interview is on K.C!!!
(those are his initials because he did not want his full first name to be shown) and here's how it went.....

Author : Okay K.C please take a seat

K.C : Oh ok

Author : Here is your first question, who is your hero?

K.C : Flash! oh wait...Green arrow!
wait. Both of them!

Author : Cool...If some random chick asked you to dance with them at a party what would your reactions be?

K.C : I would say "sure"

Author : Ok...that's nice. Anyways next question, If a stranger came up to you and insulted one of your friends what would you do?

K.C : ......Those are really weird questions.

Author : I know, but just answer.

K.C : Fine, um...I don't know.

Author : *sigh* Ok, whatever. Next question is, If you were in a relationship and you guys broke up....would you be the dumped one or the dumper?

K.C : Uh, dumper.

Author : *laughs* You sure about that?

K.C : *nods head*

Author : Ok then...Have you ever punched/slapped somebody?

K.C : Um...no. Oh wait ....yea. I punched someone .....in second grade.

Author : *snort* Nice, when was the last time you showered?

K.C : This morning.

Author : Do you like scary movies?

K.C : Uh...no

Author : Have you ever heard of wattpad?

K.C : um...what? uh I don't think so.

Author : *cough* Sad *cough* Next question, If you were just walking around the park and someone pushed you to the ground and kicked you, what would you do?

K.C : .......*laughs* What kind of question is that?

Author : Just answer the question!

K.C : Ok fine, um I think I would walk away.

Author : Wow ok. Well, what's your sleeping position?

K.C : uh...*gives author a questioning glance* well...I put my hand out like this *demonstrates* and then *chuckles* I lay my head on it and I sleep on my stomach.

Author : *laughs* Cool demonstration Well, what type of car do you imagine yourself driving when you are older?

K.C : Um...a BMW.

Author : Ok, do you talk to yourself?

K.C : Uh...er- no

Author : *smirk* Suuree... anyways what would you do if you saw someone homeless on the streets?

K.C : If I had money I would give them a like a dollar or something...

Author : ......ok. Well, what is your worst fear?

K.C : (pause) um...hell

Author : *raises eyebrows* ok....Next up, what kind of stories/movies do you like to read/watch?

K.C : Fantasy

Author : What's your most embarrassing moment?

K.C : Uh, I don't think I have one

Author : Fine, next question...Do you have an OTP?

K.C : um...what's that?

Author : *sighs* Nevermind, just forget that question. Would you like to be a superhero or a villain?

K.C : Superhero

Author : Pizza or Ice-cream?

K.C : Pizza

Author : Awesome, well...what's your passion?

K.C : Basketball

Author : I knew it. What's the most awkward moment you have ever had?

K.C : I have no idea

Author : *groans* You have to come prepared K.C sheesh!

K.C : sorry

Author :.... What's your favorite shoe brand?

K.C : Nike

Random person: Adidas. Hey, what are you guys doing?

K.C : Uh...

Author : Get out.

Random person : *holds hands up* Ok fine. I'm leaving.

Author : Thank you.

Author : What's your greatest accomplishment K.C ?

K.C : Um....when I have piano recitals.

Author : Cool. Have you ever rebelled against an adult? How?

K.C : Um...when I ate a cookie and I wasn't supposed to......

Author : Wow....nice one. What do you think about this interview?

K.C : Yea it's ok, it has weird questions and it's really long, but its ok.

Author : 2 more questions ok? Most stupid thing you have ever done?

K.C : When I lost my phone

Author : *laughs* You dumb butt. Anyways last question....who are you jealous of?


Author : .........well......that's nice.


A/N -
I know this is a super late update but thank you guys for waiting. This is my first interview and i'm currently working on my second interview right now. Please comment on the first interview and I hope you liked it! You guys are awesome!!!! Thanks for everything.
- Genesis

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