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Second interview here we go!!!!!

Author : Who is your hero?

Yvette : *Ponders deeply* Percy Jackson and the seven characters ... wait. no. ALL characters in the Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus series are my heroes. yea, that's it.

Author : I'm with you there too, ok next question. If some random cute girl/boy asked you to dance with them at a party what would your reaction be?

Yvette : I will start laughing really hard and then I would turn serious all of a sudden and say . NO. and then I would walk away

Author : Thats rude. but awesome at the same time. If a stranger came up to you and insulted one of your friends, what would you do?

Yvette : *looks at author seriously*
They won't live to see tommorow. end of story.

Author : Im actually pretty sure you would do that ....and that's why I will never insult your friends. If you were in a relationship (or are currently in a relationship) and you guys broke up...would you be the one to be dumped or the dumper?

Yvette : Dumper.

Author : Why though?

Yvette : ....*thinks for a long time then suddenly smiles creepily* cause I'm cruel like that.

Author : *uncomfortably shifts in seat* um....ok .....anyways next question. Have you ever punched/slapped somebody?

Yvette : Yes

Author : Details?

Yvette : *laughs* you are so nosy!!

Author : Well sheesh, I'm sorry.

Yvette : It all started three years ago....and then...I forgot. I'm sorry, I just punch a lot of people and I can't keep track *laughs*

Author : *mutters under breath* I bet you have anger issues....*coughs* When was the last time you showered?

Yvette : hmmmm *goes into deep thought*

Author : Oooooooh....that's disgusting!!!

Yvette : *laughs* just kidding, I showered yesterday at night.

Author : Ok, phew. Good to know.
Do you like scary movies?

Yvette : No...yes...wait no.Um....maybe....kind of, I guess...

Author : So...basically, you don't know. That's fine...Have you ever heard of wattpad?

Yvette : *nods* Yea, I sometimes read from it but then I started reading from Quotev.

Author : *shakes head* shameful. Next is, if you were just walking around the park and someone pushed you to the ground and kicked you, what would you do?

Yvette : *looks at me weirdly* ............................well..........,
First, they probably wont have legs to walk on anymore. Second, I will cut their bodies into pieces!!!!

Author : *whispers* She seriously need to control herself.....What's your sleeping position?

Yvette : Uhhh....I guess like this....
*demonstrates* ......like I'm strangling someone.

Author : Now i'm scared of what you dream about....What type of car do you imagine yourself driving when your older?

Yvette : A black convertible.

Author : Nice. Do you talk to yourself?
Yvette : Nooooo.......*looks around* *whispers* ......yes

Author : *laughs* I feel you homie. What do you do if you see someone homeless on the strets?

Yvette : I would help them out in any way that I could. Like giving them my change or something.

Author : That's cool. Well, *whispers* what is your worst fear?

Yvette : I have two fears. I'm afraid of heights and not being able to protect my loved ones.

Author : What kind of stories/movies do you like to read/watch?

Yvette : Greek mythology

Author : *leans over and high fives Yvette* True Percy Jackson fans right here!!! Whats your most embarrassing moment?

Yvette : *thinks* That one time when I was on an orchestra performance and they called me out and they said they were proud of me cause I was still playing with a broken arm and everyone was staring at me.

Author : Do you have an OTP (one true pairing)?

Yvette : Yes, Percabeth

Author : Would you be a superhero or a villain?

Yvette : Villain.

Author : Pizza or ice cream?

Yvette : Ice cream flavored pizza

Author : Awesome....What's your passion?

Yvette : Listening to music.

Author : What's the most awkward moment you have ever had?

Yvette : In P.E when I was running and I tripped and fell on my face. It hurt.

Author : Epic fail!!!If you were reborn, how would you want to look?

Yvette : I think I would just change my eye color and get better teeth. *Giggles*

Author : *snorts* Gurl please, you need a whole new makeover!

Yvette : I'm flawless!!!

Author : Anyways, what's your favorite shoe brand?

Yvette : Nike.

Author : Ok. What's your greatest accomplishment?

Yvette : Being in honor orchestra.

Author : *sighs* I wish I could play an instrument.....Next, have you ever rebelled against an adult? how?

Yvette : Yes, when they told me I had to eat and I just don't wanna!!!

Author : True. What do you think about this interview?

Yvette : It was funny but weird. Most of all boring. Just kidding it was cool.

Author : Gee thanks....Most stupid thing you have ever done?

Yvette : When I laugh for no reason.*giggles*

Author : So... basically everyday, at any time.Who are you jealous of?

Yvette : Uuummm..... I don't know

Author : I'm just going to put your jealous of me.

Yvette : *laughs* whatever.

so....basically Yvette said

Yvette : I'm totally jealous of the author aka Genesis cause she is

Author : Thanks!!!

A/N -
I have kept my promise and have updated on Monday!!!! Thank you guys for all your support and I think I just found my third interviewee!!! I will update sometime around the beggining of next week, please comment on what you thought of this interview!!! Peace out my homies!!!

- Genesis

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