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I woke up at 6:15. It was just another miserable day at school. I didn't have any friends at school, and no one really liked me either. I didn't have a Nice life, my Mum died and my dad left a long time ago for no reason. Now i lived with my Uncle who came home drunk every night to beat me, i just wanted to run away but he said he would come and get me.

I got out my uniform which was a little scruffy and ripped but it would last me long enough. I brushed through my long black hair and went to brush my teeth. I walked into the bathroom and dodged the mirror, i couldn't bare to see my self. I was ashamed, i actually listened to what they told me and i believed it. I went down stairs and skipped breakfast, like i always do. I slipped out the front door so My uncle didn't catch me and ran quickly so i was out of sight. I slowly walked to school as i had about an hour to get there but i was pretty far away so i had time.

"Hey! emo freak!"  i heard a loud rough voice shout. I turned and smiled faintly.

"oi!" i felt a big rock hit me on the head, i began the run and ignored the pain in my head, i heard them coming after me.

"Leave me alone!" i shouted. They didn't reply i just heard them laugh-

"he is just a anorexic freak. he means nothing!" it upset but they were right. I am worth nothing, i don't even know why i was running. I began to think about stopping and just letting them get there way when i tripped over my self and fell in a big muddy puddle. I closed my eyes and felt a strong hand pick me up by my collar and throw me against a wall, it hurt. I opened my eyes to see Casey close up in my face.

"stupid little boy. needs to get a life! I'm gonna knock some sense in to you to NOT walk my way again, ok?" he asked sternly. I nodded and he dropped me before kicking me hard and walking of. I felt in pain and i knew there was going to be a bruise there tomorrow. I got up and changed my way to school, instead i went through a old smelly ally way but there were lots of shadows and it creeped me out. I guess it was a short cut though.

I finally got to school and i managed to ignore the mean things that were being Said to me. I walked through the hall and sat in a corner and waited fo Danny. Danny was my boy friend and i loved him so so much, he was there for me all the time no matter what. He was tall and always dressed dark, he had black hair with Blue streeks in it, i had bright blue hair with black streeks in it.I was sat for about five minutes when Danny came round the corner.

"Danny!" i shouted. I ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

"hey Damien, i missed you so much. are you Ok?" he asked hugging me back.

"kind of..i had a little trouble this morning but i will live." i replied.

"Well what did they say?" he asked concerned.

"um..nothing he said i was a anorexic emo freak.." i muttered.

"what!" he shouted, i began blushing.

"its nothing honestly!" i said, but he didn't listen.. He went up to casey and dragged me along with him.

"oi, casey!" he said in his cute British accent, it made me smile. Casey turned around and laughed, Casey was super small so he had to look up to Danny and he looked a little whimpy.

"wha?" he asked roughly. i took a step back and gulped.

"Leave. Damien.Alone." he said sternly.

 "What your gay little boy friend? no." Casey laughed, Danny gritted his and swung his fist back.

"that's enough lets go!" i shouted, but it was to late. Casey was on the floor with his nose bleeding badly and Danny was stood with a crowd of people around him. Danny turned and looked at me, realising what he had done, i raised a eye brow at him.

"I warned you.." i tutted.

"Now what?" some one said.

"is a teacher coming.." another person whispered. I looked around and found the head teacher Mr.Barlow walking over to the crowd.

"who did this!" he shouted, Casey turned to Danny. "Danny! not you again come on!" he said, grabbing Danny and taking him away.

"W..Wait!" Casey began."It was kind of Damien's fault to.." he smirked, i quickly looked up in shock.

"What!" i wanted to carry on but i was already being dragged along the corridor with Danny looking guilty besides me.

"sorry.." his whispered, i smiled.

"its ok.."i accepted. we walked close to each other and held hands, the teacher looked grossed out so i gave him a dirty look and he turned away.

"Um Gareth!" he shouted, giving away Mr.Fredrick's name. 'Gareth' looked up and pulled a face, we were the usual ones getting blamed for everything so he found it no surprise when  we were brought to him. "can you take care of these two please?" Asked Mr.Barlow, Mr. Fredrick nodded. Mr.Barlow left the room slamming the door behind him.

"Right.. you two sit, tell me what happened." he ordered, we both took a seat.

"Sir it wasn't anything to do with Damien it was just that anus Casey being a idiot." Claimed Danny, i put my head down with embarrassment.

"Shh! i didn't say you could speak, and your to deep in trouble now you can't turn back your both in isolation!" Said Mr.Fredrick.

"Again..for no reason.." i muttered to my self.

"what was that?" Asked Mr.Fredrick.

"oh nothing.." i replied quietly. Mr. Fredrick sat in his chair that was very high but he still wasn't as tall as us, he was only four foot nine and Danny was nearly double that.

"right, Damien only speak." He said, i sighed loudly.

"This morning I was walking to school and i came across Casey, he said this was his way to walk and he threw me against a wall then dropped me and kicked me, he called me a anorexic emo freak.. I guess that when Danny found out he became a bit protective and hit Casey.." i explained. Sir raised a eye brow.

"I see. " he said quietly,"i'm afraid I cannot get you out of the trouble Damien but I won't put it on your record. But Danny , you will have it on your record."

"What the hell? what about Casey!" shouted Danny.

"hey! Calm down, I will deal with him later." Said sir," First you two can go in to that room and start your work, I will go and mark you in at the office." Sir left the room and we went in to the corner room and started our maths sheet.

   After our one day of isolation we went to the lockers and lots of people began to stare.😠 Danny was a lot more confident than me so he just gave them rude remarks. I on the other hand held my head low in shame.

"hey loser wanna give me a punch in the face?" some one said, others laughed. I didn't see the funny part in it but then when your popular every one has to laugh. We got our things from my locker, we shared one, and left school. It was not a very long walk home because I was going to stay at dannys . I did this every Monday because it was the day my uncle drunk most and he had me to come home to. We got in to a empty house, Danny had no parents Either because they ditched him as they couldn't accept the person he was. I was tired after the long day we had so I went to sleep on the couch pretty soon.

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