Chapter 3

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I tightly shut my eyes. I felt shivers going down my spine as I listened to my Uncle's voice, tutting and laughing at my weak little body.

"Where were you!" he shouted angrily, I didn't speak, I just opened my eyes and stared at him lifelessly. He repeated him self several times and began pulling and pushing at me, trying to get me of the bed.  Eventually he pulled me up and threw me back down against a wall, it was no used trying to escape it would just make it worse. I trembled to my feet trying to face him even though I knew it was useless. He came close to me now and towered over me gritting his teeth.

"Where.Were.You" He asked now pulling down on my hair, making me lower my head.

"I.. I was um. I was out." I lied. If I told him where I was he would become more angry, I didn't want him to get angry with Danny either, I knew he would fight back and just get more hurt. My uncle just laughed and harshly hit me in the face, it knocked me down onto the floor, the pain throbbed as I held my hand where he hit me, He laughed again.

"what ever, you tell me where you were or I will punish you!" he said through his gritted teeth. I still didn't speak, he was just about to threaten me again when there was a knock on the door, it was the social services. They checked up on me every once in a while, I was lucky this time. My uncle gave me a angry look before leaving the room and slamming the door. I had to get out, but how? My uncle would be at the door, and I couldn't just jump out the window... Could I?

I ran to the window and looked out side. It wasn't that high and my bike was leaning up y the wall, I could quickly grab it and ride away as fast as I could to Danny's house. In fact my house was really low, it was a flat its just I slept in the attic. With out thinking I packed my few stuff in to a bag and opened the window, took a deep breath, and jumped.  Before I knew it my uncle and social services were running towards me so I just grabbed my bike and peddled as fast as I could. I could hear my uncle shouting and swearing behind me, the voices got quitter as I got further away but I was only getting nearer to Danny's. I came up to his house and took my bike round to the back before almost knocking the door down. I didn't stop knocking until Danny opened the door holding a baseball bat, when he saw it was me he lowered it.

"Damien!  I thought you were a murder or something. don't knock like that!" he said in shock, I ignored him and ran in to the house slamming it behind me. "What's up with you? and why are you here." he asked, he caught my breath and sat down on the kitchen table.

"My uncle got angry and he.." I began still catching my breath in between. "he hit me and asked me where I was when I didn't come home, I wouldn't tell him because he would come and get you. He was going to abuse me more but social services came and so he had to go to the door. then, I saw my chance. I jumped out my window, grabbed my bike and came here." I explained, Danny stood still looking a little confused, but he then began to move towards me.

"Um..what do I say to that?" he asked laughing. I smiled and stood.

"Danny.. Can I stay here for a while. please?" I asked fluttering my eyes, he laughed and nodded. I went upstairs to empty my bag, listening to the peaceful quietness without my Uncle. I had some time to actually catch up with what happened while Danny sat on my bed watching me, not speaking. I think he was respecting the fact I finally had some peaceful space and he didn't want to break it. I emptied all my clothes in to a draw and then sat besides Danny and smiled.

"I'm pretty glad you came I was pretty lonely." he said,  I laughed and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you." I whispered.  he pulled us apart and screwed up his eye brows.

"For what?" he asked.

"For always being there for me and loving me when no one else did." I said, he screwed his face up more.

"Damien. I love you and you just existing is all I need, you don't need to thank me for being there because it isn't something I do for the praise. I do it because I love you." he whispered. I didn't know why we were whispering but it felt nice to be quiet for once, without screaming and threats. I was finally at peace.

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