I Feel You.

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When I got home, the first thing I did was pour myself a glass of fire whiskey... WHAT? DON'T JUDGE! I was tired and already half drunk. I pulled the glass up to my lips and froze. "Go brush your frigging teeth k? You smell like shit." Lucy's words echoed in my mind. I opened my eyes wide and set the glass back on the countertop. Cupping a hand around my mouth, I let out a breath and smelt it. That was one hell of a decision. I scrunched my nose up and let out a weak cough before deciding to take a shower. I snatched a towel & a pair of boxers, and layed them out on the bathroom floor. Lifting up my arms, I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it in our laundry basket along with my dirty shorts and boxers. The bathroom smelled of Lucy's hair, nail, face, & body products. "Damn Luce... I don't think all these chemicals can be good for anyone.." I whispered under my breath and chuckled at my remark.. Since there was no one to do it for me. I stepped into the shower and let the warm water rush down my body. It soaked my salmon locks, they drooped over my eyes. Running my fingers through my hair, I picked up the shampoo and squirted some into my hand. Scrubbing, scrubbing, and more scrubbing up and down my body and in my hair was all I did for about 10 minutes before I decided that I was clean enough. I felt like such a jerk to Lucy, but I didn't know why. Hey, the night was still young, (If 10 PM is considered 'young') and maybe I could put on a movie or... make dinner or some shit like that... I don't know...


Pulling streamers off the guild walls in frustration is probably the thing that lit a red light for people around me. I was approached by Levy and Wendy short after. "Lu-chan, how you feeling?" Levy asked politely. "Sick, tired, sad, mad, you name it..." I replied back, sounding like a complete douche. It was true though. Natsu was mad at me, and trust me, that is the worst feeling in the world. "Come to think of it, Natsu-San was also feeling like that earlier in this party.. G-Gomen, I should have told you sooner." Wendy said as she cupped her face in her hands. "No, Wendy, it's not your fault. I noticed Natsu look a little under the weather." I replied with a smile. "Now I just have to figure out how to get the rest of the guild cleaned up, and I will be off-" I had grabbed a mop from the corner, but it was soon taken out of my hands by Levy. "Hey, go home birthday girl. See Natsu." She said smiling. "We can take care here. I mean, what's a few paper cups and plates going to do to our evening?" Pulling her into a hug, I whispered, "Thank you" into her ears, for she knew exactly what was happening. I grabbed my coat, oh, and Natsu's... and jolted out the door. "ihopehe'snotsleepingyet" was all that was racing through my mind, as I was racing out the door.


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