Intro | Ernest

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May 1983

Red copper dust clouds floated from the dirt road trailing behind the loud whirr of a Harley Davidson. Thick trees whisp on both sides, engulfing the small road in an infinite green. It was dawn, and the sky was a pastel swirl of pinks and oranges and the amber sun rose over the hilltops.

Turmoil stirred in Ernest's belly, tightening his brown hand on the throttle, increasing speed as he rode up the steep hill. His breathing hitched, seeing the familiar blue house on the hilltop usually hidden behind thick moss and oak trees.

Removing his helmet, the man raked a hand through his thick, matted curls, squinting against the rising sun as he stared at the time capsule in front of him–– his childhood home. His dark eyes wandered through the blades of tall grass and weeds in the front lawn, the quiet swaying rocking chairs aged from time and weather, the songs floating in the country air from the old windchime hanging from the top of the wrap-around porch.

Putting one hesitant foot in front of the other, the man walked up the rocky driveway to the front door. He hadn't even noticed that he was holding in a breath, feeling dizzy with anticipation and nerves as his fist pounded on the old door, chipping off its familiar white paint.

Even when time stood still, so much had changed, Ernest thought then.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and to the man's surprise, a young girl with wild, curly pigtails and a jack-o-lantern smile was staring up at him with curious, yet familiar, wide eyes.

"You're the man in the picture frame!" She chirped with enthusiasm, her grin widening on her dark brown face. A softness met Ernest then, squatting to meet the height of the little girl as he felt himself grin then. Her round face and almond eyes made it evident that she was some kin, his heart fluttering feeling as if he traveled back in time staring at her.

"My name is Ernest," He said with a small smile, taking her small hand in his, "Who might you be?"

"Emmaline, how many times I gotta tell ya to not open that door!" An all too familiar voice approached, the door cracking open wider as a woman in a colorful, polka dot apron appeared. Quickly, she scooped the girl into her arm placing her on her hip.

Finally, for what seemed like a small eternity, the woman finally looked at him, and all at once Ernest saw his baby sister's face fall into shock, tears quickly brimming her brown eyes.

Happiness overwhelmed him, seeing the clear resemblance between the little girl and his sister.

"Mama it's the man in Maw-Maw's picture frame!" the little girl said smiling at Ernest again.

Fighting back his nerves, Ernest spoke; "Hey, Penelope Anne."

Penelope, tears staining her dark cheeks, gave a small smile on trembling lips. With calm urgency, she placed the little girl back on her feet.

"Emmaline, go get ya Maw-Maw, okay? Tell her someone's here to see her."

The little girl nodded, running down the hallways bellowing at the top of her lungs, "Maw-Maw, Maw-Maw! The man in the picture frame is at the door! His name is Ernest!"

Suddenly, the woman grabbed onto Ernest with eagerness, squeezing her arms around him so tight. Ernest melted in the embrace, feeling his heart soaring and his icy nerves withering away in her arms. Penelope trembled in the embrace, sobbing quietly against the man's shoulder.

"Oh, Ernie," Penelope spoke quietly between sobs, "Ernie you're home. You're home." 


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