Chapter 14 Ashes

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Next Morning at 6:30 a.m. Inside Quig's Apartment


Grew-Ella wore Quig's wedding suit and waved at Odin. "Betsy is sleeping."

Odin slammed the door shut. "You shouldn't bring women over. You're supposed to be watching my daughter, and you're playing house with Grew-Ella."

"She was caught in the ground blizzard. I emailed her father. He understands this was an emergency, but if another storm happens, I'll have to marry her," Quig said.

Grew-Ella coughed and spoke to Odin Web-Song. "Nothing happened." She reached for her buzzing phone. "Avery-Joy texted me. Stanton is still lurking around, and I'll need to stay longer."

Betsy exited the bedroom. "Auntie Grew-Ella threw Uncle Quig a birthday party, and I drew abstract art-style birthday cards." She pointed at her scribbled artwork taped to the wall.

"Wow, Karen loves to teach those big art terms." Odin Web-Song hugged his daughter.

"Betsy and Grew-Ella kept me entertained."

Rapid knocking startled them, and Quig peeked through the door's glass peephole. He guided his niece into the bedroom.

"I obtained a court order," Rodrick said.

Quig unlatched the locks and fumbled for the doorknob.

Squad members stood in the hall, and they entered.

Windows rattled with a female squad member's booming voice. "Awww, Quig, you took pity on Grew-Ella so she wouldn't freeze to death. You're so precious."

"Behave yourselves, or you'll be expelled from the campus," Rodrick said. His broad shoulders and muscular arms rippled underneath his black suit and fur cloak, and his overly sculpted face and jagged elf ears were not much to look at, but most stared at his body with envy or desire.

"Quig, I have terrible news. Your sister, Ida Web-Song, has been located." Rodrick's lips stretched into a distorted frown because of his hard and inflated lips.

The squad members around him broke into laughter.

"You're not funny," Rodrick blurted.

"Where is my wife?" Odin asked.

A squad member poked his arm. "Your ex is dead."

Odin's fingers flapped as tears fell on them.

"You shouldn't be marrying creatures. If she was damaged after you married, it could be understandable, but you married her knowing she was deformed," a female squad member said.

"We covered the scars and her nose with cosmetics." Odin glared at the woman.

Rodrick snatched an urn from a squad member's hands. Ida Web-Song's ashes were engraved on the side.

"We were able to find chunks of her hair and cremated it. Ida signed divorce papers before she was dragged into the workhouse," Rodrick said.

"But we were reconciling," Odin said.

The words, 'former brother-in-law,' ran through Quig's head, but no, Odin Web-Song would always be family.

"I offered to pay for her freedom." Odin's entire body shook.

"Workhouse board members' ex-wives aren't allowed that luxury. You shouldn't have married the hideous retch," the female squad member said.

Grew-Ella took the urn and placed it on an end table.

A squad male member snorted and pinched her. "As long as we don't cause bruises on her face, we're fine. I almost didn't recognize her without the girdle. She passes for beautiful, but she is a freak. It's bad enough. She's autistic, struggles with egg production, and has wonky toes."

"Moth kingdom laws don't apply here," Quig said. "And you wouldn't have known that if you hadn't illegally.... gone through her medical records." 

"A family member gave it to us." Another squad member jiggled Grew-Ella's belly. "Look how you're dressed, and you're lumpy."

"Touch her again, and I'll fire you. Quig is correct. You'll have to behave differently on any New Jersey property. Sean-Mack was banned for this very reason," Rodrick said.

Grew-Ella covered her tummy with her fingers in an attempt to cover her loose skin under the suit. "The suit is an acceptable color, but my zipped corset and clothes are in the dryer. I'll change."

"She is fat." The female squad member grabbed Grew-Ella, dragging her towards the door before letting her stumble. "You're still a little chubby and could lose twenty or thirty pounds, but you're within standards. Stop acting scared. We're not carting you off because Rodrick says it's illegal."

"Too bad she isn't as hot and thick as the former queen, Avery-Joy, or I'd date her." A man touched Grew-Ella's hair and smirked. His glitter-covered lips hovered near hers. "If Vex asked me to cover my face or go into a workhouse, I'd be glad to. Maybe we'll meet again, because you'll end up in one if you don't take Chase back. No one else wants you."

"Um... you're all out of line." Quig pointed to the door.

"New Jersey allows free speech," he said.

Quig's niece rushed from the bedroom and hugged her father. "I was wrong about mommy and..." Betsy stopped mid-sentence and stared at the squad members.

"I'd bring you in for questioning, but you're on school grounds. Did you talk with your sister?" Rodrick asked Grew-Ella.

She whispered to Rodrick. "Chase tricked me into taking an extra shift, so I'd be arrested. When I escaped, he tried to grab me, but I didn't tell Quig due to the contract we signed."

"I'm working on something to help free you." Rodrick left, and the squad members trailed behind him.

"What did you say to make him leave?" Odin asked.

"The truth." Grew-Ella hugged herself.

Quig held Odin as he wept. "Stay here overnight."

"Ida is fine, but don't inform the media. She ran to protect Betsy. Our marriage was arranged to hide her deformity, but I loved her, and for a time, she loved me back."

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