Chapter 23 Awkward

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Hours Later


"If this goes well, the only thing I'll lose is my deposit and a car," Grew-Ella said.

"We could run to the Ivy Kingdom." Quig unlocked his station wagon electronically.

"That wouldn't work. Sean-Mack will search the ships." Grew-Ella buckled her seat belt.

Quig started the station wagon and kept his eyes on the road. "Our marriage protects me from reject status. We need each other. Sleep in the closet on the cot or take the bed, and I'll sleep on the floor. To be honest with you, if you ever decided to try to make our relationship romantic, I'd be thrilled."

She glanced out the window at billboards mocking Ida. "Yes, we'll keep up appearances, but I can't tell you I love you in public or even in private. I'm not ready."

"I know." Quig's fingers dug into the steering wheel.

"You're attractive, but it's complicated. I can't tell you how your eyes sparkle or that you're the most genuine man I've ever met." Grew-Ella's shoulders slumped. "Chase and I signed an NDA concerning the details of our engagement, but there is a loophole. I can break part of the contract and marry a broken elite."

"That is in every marriage-related NDA and engagement contract, but I bet your ex demanded you remove it," Quig said.

Grew-Ella nodded, 'yes.' "This is the only unredacted part. If I'm married for a full seven days to a broken elite. I'm able to tell my husband what is in it. I have this document angel working to make my life better. Actually, Rodrick handled the agreement. I have been fined and threatened with jail time for telling my mom."

"Wish he told me." Quig turned down a side road.

"Rodrick isn't legally allowed to, and he originally wanted me to tell my husband everything before I married, but the others balked."

"My sister told me about the NDA's existence. Well, the bracelet is for you because I'll protect you. I planned to talk to you around Christmas. Is there anything else you can tell me?" Quig asked.

"Well, he managed to slip in a line that no one has the power to annul my marriage after three hours. They all signed." Grew-Ella breathed deeply. "Thank you for thinking of me as someone worthy to save."

Grew-Ella's phone buzzed. Chase emailed her.


Hey Gorgeous

I found out you're marrying Quig. You better not go through with this.

They'll hurt you.




She deleted the message. No matter how many times she changed her phone or blocked him, his messages always got through.

Quig turned down the road in the direction of her apartment. "Grew-Ella, I promise I won't date other women until you divorce me because our marriage is sin enough."

"I won't date anyone either." She formed a heart circle with her finger.

Quig stopped his station wagon. "Oh... we'll have to kiss in front of everyone."

Grew-Ella peered out the passenger side window. "Yoleta hasn't shown up, and we should attempt a couple of awkward practice kisses, but no more private kisses until-" She touched her wrist, and felt the rapid beating of her heart.

Quig grabbed Grew-Ella and mashed his mouth into hers. They clanked their teeth together. His slobber dribbled down her chin and neck. "Glad we didn't do that in public. I've kissed my ex four times in the two years we dated. Well, I realized why Ann knew I was a terrible kisser, not that she could feel anything because of the filler she received at age thirteen."

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