I don't Know - Evan Peters

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During the filming process of the cult season for American Horror Story so far, Evan has been a wreck.

His character, Kai, is an absolutely evil person. Ryan came to Evan and told him he envisioned his talent bringing the character to life, that Evan would do the best job in this role, for he takes his craft very seriously.

He isn't wrong about that, however, getting into the mindset of these characters, really playing the part, is mind consuming and incredibly damaging to his mental health.

He's had roles like this before, where the darkness of a character starts to weigh on him, but he always pulls through; I knew this would be a similar case, and I was fully prepared to support him through all of this.

"Baby?" Evan walks into our apartment, finished with filming for the day.

I hear the echo of his voice through the walls, still hazy from my nap on the sofa.

"Y/N..." his voice was quivering, which causes me to shoot upwards in my seat and turn to look at him.

Evan's hair is awry and messy, sweaty from shooting. His eyes are puffy and red, an indicator that Evan was crying.

"Ev?" I shout to him, patting the spot next to me on the sofa.

"Did I wake you?" He sniffles, moving to sit next to me.

"No, no, I was just waking up." I lie, not wanting him to feel bad for needing me, or brush off his problem until later.

"I'm so stressed." Evan brings his hands to his head, hiding his face with it as his body quakes.

"About the filming, baby?" I ask him, scooting closer and draping an arm over his shoulder.

"About everything!" He raises his voice, not at me, but I can tell this was probably a really hard day for him.

"I'm sorry Evan," I breathe, "I'm so, so proud of you for pushing through this. You're very brave, and so so talented."

"I don't know..." he continues to sob as I wrap my free arm around his torso, engulfing him in a hug, "I don't feel brave right now."

Evan removes his hands from his face, and I notice up close that his eyes are extremely swollen from the crying. Tears are still falling down, so I reach my hand to his cheeks and begin wiping them as they do so; Evan smiles so gently that it's almost invisible, but the crying doesn't falter.

"Y/N, I don't know what's wrong with me!" He lets out a hushed sob, grabbing into the wrist of my hand that was wiping his tears, and pressing a kiss to it's palm.

"It's a very tough season," I say gently, "you know how Ryan always gives you his toughest characters, he knows you can do it. It might just be hard sometimes."

"That's what I hate," he replies, "Kai is one of the darkest, most evil characters I've played yet, it's really hard to tap in and out of his persona. He's just so angry, and sometimes when I'm filming and we wrap, I still feel like I'm trapped inside his mind."

"Just remember that you're Evan, not Kai," I smile, "you just happen to be talented enough to play him; as hard as it is, it's a huge compliment that Ryan casted you as this role. I don't think it could be done by anyone else."

"Yeah, you're right. Thank you." Evan suddenly pulls me onto his lap, holding me there.

He squeezes me to him, and my arms wrap around his neck as he gazed upon me with admiration, and adoration. 

"I don't know what I'd fucking do without you." He sighs, pressing a kiss to the side of my head, "you keep me sane." 

"We keep each other sane," I giggle, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips, "without you, I'd absolutely go crazy." 

There are still a few leftover tears streaming down Evan's face, so I reach my hand up to them, wiping them away as he watches me with intensity. I shift on his lap a bit, so I'm able to kiss him, and I do so. I start with his lips, then moving to place tons of little kisses all over his face; cheeks, nose, forehead, mouth again... I do this until I hear him erupt into laughter, the laughter that I wanted to hear every single day for the rest of my life until I die. 

"I've never loved someone like how I love you." Evan whispers amongst his laughter, cupping the right side of my face with his hand; stroking my skin there with his thumb.

"I'll never love anyone else the way I love you." I quickly reply, pressing my mouth against his again, with upmost passion. He moves his hands to my shoulders, pulling me closer as he moves his mouth against my own, our lips dance together for a few long moments, my hands pressed against his chest as he moves his to my waist, wrapping them around it and pulling me to him. 

I break away from the kiss, leaning my head against his shoulder. The two of us just sit there for a moment, our breathing in sync as we embrace each other silently. One of Evan's hands moves up and down my shoulder, caressing the skin there. 

"I want to watch a movie." He sighs, "something not-so-dark, like E.T." 

I giggle, "you want to watch that again?" 

He shrugs sheepishly, "it's a comfort thing, like how you watch Charlies Angels at least once a week." 

"Okay," I shrug, "you've got me there." 

"Can we make popcorn?" He asks eagerly, "I like how you make it with the m&m's." 

My heart glows at this comment, I've never felt more appreciated by a person. He has a way of making me feel like I can do anything, and it'd be the most amazing thing that anybody has ever done. 

"Of course, baby." I make my way to the kitchen, observing as Evan struggles to get the disc in the DVD player correctly. It spits it back at him a few times, causing his face to turn a cute shade of red out of anger, until I see that the disc is finally read, and the title screen for E.T. is displayed on our living room television. 

"Thank you for being so supportive." Evan calls to me, meeting my gaze as I look over to where he's seated on the couch. 

"I love you." I respond, "I'll always support you." 

"God," he smiles and shakes his head, "I love you so much it hurts." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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