Chapter 1

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         Peter Parker laid on his stomach as the broken laptop in front of him whirred with static and feedback. After discovering it in the trash, Peter thought it would be the perfect device for... something. After around two months of tinkering, the boy had converted it into a police scanner of sorts, but instead of picking up frequencies of police radios, it would allow him to hear the audio of phone calls on unmarked cell phones, giving him access to the conversations of criminals. The phone that laid between himself and the Crime Scanner, as Peter thoughtfully but uncreatively named it, spoke up.

"I can't hear anything!" Ned said from the facetime call. Peter typed away on the laptop and more voices became clear.

"West forty-s..." Static. "Sixth aven-" The deep voice called through the old computer.

"Sixth avenue and west forty... sixth? Seventh?" Peter asked out loud.

"Looking it up..." MJ chimed in. "...Right now... Alright, so on west forty sixth there's an empty lot, some regular buildings and a mcdonalds..." She paused to push her fingers against the mouse pad on her computer a few times. "And up the block we have a bakery, a news building and a..." MJ paused, clicking something on her laptop.

"A..?" Ned asked.

"A diamond store." She looked to her camera to face the boys. Ned tilted his head and raised a brow while Peter stared at the audio waves on his screen. "Ok," MJ said. "We have 12 minutes to get to school, we'll talk about this in home room."

"Wait, what?" Ned asked as she disappeared from the screen. The boys sighed and looked to their phones. "See you soon," Ned said before hanging up himself. Peter waved until the screen turned to black. His head turned to the screen while the deep voices continued their conversation, one that he could hardly understand. There were about five voices, maybe even six that were all speaking incoherently. Six people trying to rob a jewelry store. Six criminals he had to stop.


Peter dropped his backpack down underneath the wooden table of the library. It was thankfully empty enough in the morning that they could talk about the situation at hand. MJ put her book down and tied her hair back into a ponytail, leaning into the table as she did. "Hey," She leaned in for a kiss and her pecked her cheek. "I can't stay for long, we have a thing in art club in a few minutes, but I just wanted to check in."

"I'm alright," Peter said. "Just wondering what to do about all this."

"What do you mean you're wondering?" She asked him. Peter blinked at her. "Peter, you know what to do." The boy winced and looked up her. "I'm sorry, were you actually considering not telling him?" She asked. Peter was well aware of who she was talking about.

"Mr. Stark is still recovering from the battle against Thanos and Mysterio, Beck really took a number on him."

"I know, but he's an avenger for a reason, he's prepared for this stuff and he can handle it and if he can't he has a team."

"I know, I know I just..." He sighed. "I'm tired of having Mr. Stark handle all my problems. He was supposed to retire after the blip but now he's having to deal with the over population and new heroes and all that other stuff and..." The first period bell rang, making kids rush to their classes.

"Okay, I'm late, just-" She stood up and looked down at him next to him. "Just call him okay?" She pulled her head down and kissed his hairline before she stood up and walked away, grabbing her copy of some Joan Didion novel. Peter stared up at the ceiling, thinking of his girlfriend's words. She was right. She usually was but this wasn't a "Let's go to this restaurant instead of that one, it'll be less crowded," right, this was an annoying right. Should he go and bother Mr. Stark with six stupid jewel thei- Ned?

"Hey," The shorter boy said. Peter looked at his friend and mouthed a "Hey" back. His spider sense- or "peter tingle" as everyone so lovingly called it- was getting a lot better. "So do you know what time the robbery is?" Ned asked.

"No," Peter answered. "All I got from the crime scanner was the address, I need to fix the stupid thing."

"So you're gonna steak out tonight?" Ned asked. Peter thought for a moment. About this girlfriend's words and Mr. Stark.

For Peter to tell Tony about the robbery, go to Chapter 2

For Peter to handle it by himself, go to Chapter 4

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