——————Then came Edward, the heroine's brother. He has freckles on his face, green eyes, and brown hair. His appearance is completely normal. It seems that the heroine is the mutation in this family.
After they finished eating, Yuri removed the dishes while listening to their occasional sarcasm about her.
But their words entered from her right ear to come out of her left ear.
After that, she completed the household and farm work that she was supposed to do. After she finished, Yuri lay on the quilt and felt pain all over her body, as if a car had run over her. All this on her first day.
So what about sherry who has to do this every single day?But Yuri will not have to worry much because she then remembered that the first start of the main plot is tomorrow, when Joselle will deliver a message from her sister, Trisha, saying that there is a great possibility that the Duke will soon find Sherry, so Joselle will stop Sherry from doing hard work and will buy her beautiful clothes And then she'll give her the best room in the house to stay in, and she will invite her to eat at the table, so when the Duke sees Sherry, he will not have feelings like my daughter who was lost living a miserable life She is treated like a maid and her parents abuse her., but rather he will feel comfortable, knowing that Sherry has a poor family, but at least this family loves and cares for her and provides everything she needs.
Of course all this will not happen because Yuri will take the letter tomorrow.
Soon the next morning Yuri was still working on the farm in the area near the gate After that
the postman came "Hi, is there Goselle"
Yuri "Yes, Goselle is my mother"
Postman "Oh then you must be Cherry"
Yuri "Yeah"
Then the postman took out the letter and a Sandwich wrapped in paper.
"Here you go, little girl, even though you are beautiful as a doll, make sure you eat more food to be the most beautiful. Good luck"
Yuri, "bye bye, uncle postman."
Do I look like a young girl? I'm already sixteen. Although Yuri says that, she knows that her appearance gives the impression of being thirteen or fourteen.
Yuri opened the letter and read it first to be sure, the entire letter was a warning not to treat Sherry badly and to burn all the previous letters, as those letters simply contained a lot of insults to Sherry and how they mistreat her and a warning again to be careful not to offend the Duke, as even ten souls could not bear to offend him.
Sherry thought that these previous messages could be used as evidence that this exchange was deliberate and that Angela's parents were the culprits behind it.
, then she tore it into small pieces, after that She stood under a tree to take shelter from the sun while eating her sandwich..

the villainess acts Innocent again
RomanceYuri as the most popular actress in Korea receives an Oscar. With this, she takes her first steps on her dream of reaching hollywood. Unfortunately, on her way home after the Oscar party, she gets into a car accident, only to find herself as an ug...