chapter 17 : the sons of braxton duchy

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At the same time in the ducal palace in the reception hall

Heinrich sits the first son of the duke He looks like someone owes him million dollar He has a sharp and handsome appearance with blue eyes and silver hair like a duke.

He is a brilliant sword master and the future heir to the Duchy of Braxton.

After a while came the third son of the duke He has a wild look and looks a bit flirtatious He also has silver hair But he has green eyes that he inherited from his ancestors, and he is a powerful magician from the Tower of Wizards

Felix "Oh what wind brought you here. Could it be that Angela also told you to come to welcome the new sister?"

Heinrich." Yes."

Felix. "By the way, how do you feel about the new sister?"

Angela's injury was a major accident and they all knew that their blood did not match her and that Angela is not their real sister and that they real sister alive

Heinrich "It's okay to afford another person in the Duchy"

Felix "So you mean someone else and not your sister "

Heinrich "My sister is only Angela"

Felix "Tsk you are boring I wonder if this sister will be pretty"

Heinrich "What's the difference Whether she's pretty or not anyway, you wouldn't date her"

Felix, "of course I wouldn't date her, but it would be more pleasing to the eye if she were pretty, right?"

At the same time that Heinrich and Felix were talking, Dietrich, the second son of the Duke, came. He has a wonderful intellectual appearance Light chestnut hair, blue eyes, and wears glasses, looking very elegant, he is also known to be a genius, and he is one of the Emperor's most trusted followers.

Dietrich did not come alone. Angela was walking with him. Angela has blond curly hair, blue eyes, a bright smile in her mouth, and looks friendly she said "Hello Heinrich, hello Felix"

Heinrich, "hello"

Felix," hello"

Once they had exchanged greetings, Angela said, "Brothers, remember when my sister comes be friendly, okay."

The counter played in Angela's mind . she will seize the opportunity while all the brothers are present and ruin their impression of Sherry.

Besides, she's not really worried her maid and (her biological aunt) Trisha told her that her sister Joselle (Angela's biological mom) told her that Cherry is really ugly.

Looking at faces is an important rule in the world of nobility, especially among women.

The more beautiful a woman is, the more benefits she gets. Therefore, ugliness is not only considered a bad thing, but an

"unforgivable crime."

Dietrich replied, "We're all sitting here waiting for her. Isn't that friendly enough?"

Felix repeated after him, "Yes, would you like us to sing and dance to celebrate her return?"

Angela "okay Stop being sarcastic, I just want my sister to feel comfortable"

Author's note: I added some parts in Chapter 16, so read it again. As for the rest of the chapters, I made minor modifications. I would also like to know your opinion of the novel and the writing in the comments


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