Chapter 4 (Redstar on cover)

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Redstar jumps up from his prey. "What? From which Clan?" He asks.

"None of them!" Nightstream pants. "I was gathering borage for Fallenfrost by the half-bridge, when suddenly a large group of cats, kittypets I think, started walking towards camp. They were lead by a large orange and red kittypet!" The sickening feeling in my stomach triples, and almost everyone in camp turns to look at me. 

"Why are they looking at you?" Specklepaw whispers.

"Because that's what her father looks like, mouse-brain!" Willowpaw whispers back. Then Redstar jumps onto Highcliff and starts giving orders. 

"Troutfang, you lead the mentors and their apprentices to guard the nursery and medicine den, aside from me, and Echolight, Greytail, and Codwhisker can guard the elder's den. Everyone else, station yourself around camp to defend against the kittypets." Everyone rushes to their positions, but Echolight glances back at the nursery every now and then. I understand why. His mate, Fallenfrost, and kits, Patchkit, Sightkit, and Snakekit, are in there. 

"Specklepaw and Willowpaw, you go into the nursery and distract the kits. But make sure you're ready to fight. Palestripe, we'll guard the entrance." Troutfang says to our group. "Lakeclaw, you can guard the medicine den with the cat who's the reason we're getting attacked right now."

"She's not-" Specklepaw starts to say, but Willowpaw shoves her into the nursery before she can finish her sentence. 

"Come on!" Lakeclaw growls at me. "And don't mess this up. Go inside and help Cloudwhisker and Nightstream." I sigh and walk inside the medicine den. Instantly five different scents hit me all at once.

"Are they attacking?!" Cloudwhisker asks me.

"No, Lakeclaw sent me in to help." I say.

"Great, you can gather cobwebs from behind the den, just go outside and there'll be a tree full of them." Cloudwhisker tells me.

"Okay." I say, and rush outside. 

"Where do you think you're going?" An unfamiliar voice growls. An orange and red kittypet steps out of the shadows. "You're coming with me."

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