Chapter Fifteen

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"Are you alright?"
I toss over, feeling the delicate touch of her fingers on my back.
Her eyes ignite as I reach out to embrace her.
She places her hand over mine as I softly caress her face. My other hand trailing down the curves of her hip.
God, she's so beautiful.
I lean in to press my lips to hers but she shuffles away. A well known smirk smacks across her face as her legs leap out from under the duvet
"Willow, you fucking tease," I grasp her by the waist, hauling her back into bed.
She laughs, allowing me to catch her. She lands on my lap. Covering her head, she tries to pull away but I'm determined. I press my lips up her jaw tenderly; my deep kisses leading to her mouth.
She pushes my face away but I wrench her dainty fingers out of the way from my goal.
At last she gives in as she leans in and she kisses me. My breath hitches and my heart soars. I let go of her, allowing her to have full control of the kiss.
This is perfect.
She pulls away, her eyes still chained to my quivering lips.
I pout at her, not feeling the slightest bit ashamed for craving her.
"Come on,"
"You're so clingy." She laughs as I trail my nose across her face.
"Only for you, babe." I whisper in her hair, feeling her gasp as I attach my mouth to hers again
"Will?" I find myself mumbling into the kiss.
"Yeah?" Her breath smacks my face as we break apart.
I silently gaze at her, embracing the way she's looking at me.
She leans in but I quickly hold her back with my hands on her shoulders
She looks at me, confused but I ignore it as I force her into a smothered cuddle.
"I just...I'm glad we made this work."
"Me too, big guy," She whispers, her voice vibrating against my neck. "Me too."

My hand reaches out and is now tangled within her bandaged one among the hospital duvet.
"I've been waiting-waiting just for you to-" I snort, wiping my nose roughly with the back of my hand. "Sorry...I just-I'm making this worse, aren't i?"
"Stop crying."
"But Will I just-"
"Dan." She shushes me with her fingers tightening around mine. "It's okay."
I watch with a throbbing heart as her alluring blue eyes scan my face.
She clears her throat, eyes shifting.
"I'm sorry for messing up." She blinks, iris' somewhat brightening.
At first I don't understand the watery trace of her eyelids. A tear soon falls down her face. Discovering her current emotion, i usher towards her.
"No, no I'm fine-Dan, I'm okay." She takes a deep breath. "I messed up, man. I slept with your best mates, I ignored you, treated you like shit...all because I-"
"No," I whisper. "You don't need to explain. I forgive you."
She tries to smile but it falters with her sadness.
"Why do you always pick me? I'm a bitch. I tear you apart every time, I bring the absolute worse out in you; why the hell would you want this?! Are you insane or just plain desperate?!" I feel her anger bubble up as her fingers twitch within my own.
I smile however.
"You're an idiot."
I laugh at her comment.
"More like a goofball?"
"Yeah," She rolls her eyes but one of her famous smirks are now on display. "You're my goofball, aren't you?"
She grins, touching my face lightly.
"We should start over, Dan. Just me and you."

We're kissing.
It's all we do these days.
And i fucking adore it. I love the way she snatches my hand as though she owns it. I love how she walks ahead, pulling me behind like I'm completely hers.
She's wearing skinny jeans and one of my hoodies that hangs adorably just over her knees. I however am only wearing a thin tank top. I didn't enter the autumn air without a shield against the wind on purpose. It was freezing so I offered her the only clothing I had keeping me warm because she comes first.
She kisses me again and I grin goofily into her mouth. She laughs causing her smiles to clatter against one another.
"We're such idiots." She mutters.
"Come on babe," I take her hand and we walk together though she tries to trot ahead again.
"Why do you always do that?"
"You're slow."
I raise an eyebrow.
"Oh, really?"
I let go of her hand and start dashing down the busy Dublin streets. I turn slightly to see her clambering after me.
I turn the corner and hunch down onto my knees.
Wait, until she runs past and then I'll jump out and scare her.
I giggle, childishly to myself.
Oh, Isn't it joy dating your best friend?
I turn, recognising that voice somehow.
Is it a fan?
My heart stops.
Oh fuck.
"Hey, Dan."
This cannot be happening.
"I haven't heard from you in a while."
"Amelia? What-What the hell are you doing here?!"
Her lips slanted slightly, her eyes mixed with pain and some form of sadness. My heart seeps with guilt.
What have I done?
"Got you!"
I turn around to see Willow now locking her slim, boned arms around my waist.
Her grin fades when she sees my face and then her eyes move.
They land on Amelia.

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