Chapter Six

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I see her the very next morning.
Her hair is damp and curling majestically down her back. Her fingers fold around the handle as she unlatches the fringe door. I watch her carefully. I feel like a creep. I'm just standing here, spying on her as she fills a glass with orange juice like its a crime. I feel even creepier when I feel her look back at me with a glare.
"What is wrong with you?"
A harsh tint of red smacks my face as I look away. I hear her sigh but I don't let her walk away. I stand in front of her, hands in the air as though to surrender.
"Willow, please. I'm sorry, okay?"
She rolls her eyes but her lips shift and her pupils once again land on me.
I had a feeling she wasn't going to say anymore so I accepted her response and turned on my heels. I abruptly felt a wave of shock when her hand landed softly on my shoulder.
My stomach flips and I peer over to her small dainty fingers.
I missed her touch...
"It's my fault."
I turn.
"It isn't."
"It is. I hurt you, that's why you were acting-"
"Like a dickhead." I admitted and she laughs.
My god, her laugh. How I missed it...
"Basically." She shrugs. "We can hang out today, right? I mean if you don't want to I-"
"No, no, no that's cool." I lick my lips along with a nervous chuckle. "I mean...okay."
She laughs.
"Okay, I'll go and dry my hair then."

* * *
Willow is running like a child along the grass.
I can't help but marvel at her cuteness as I trot along after her. And my guts fill with fluttering seizures as she sits and grins up at me.
She's so cute.
"Hurry up, Danny!"
I laugh as I try to gallop after her. My nerves take hold of my body however as my long legs tangle and I trip.
The shopping back falls from my grasp as I land sprawled out with my face down.
Oh my fucking god, you moron...
Her laugh is loud in my ear however and it somewhat soothes me.
"Get up, you idiot!" I feel her hands ravel around my waist.
Isn't it adorable the fact that she's so small compared to me and yet she's genuinely putting in the effort to haul me up from the ground? I really shouldn't be thinking that though, should I? Should I get my hopes up again or will she let me fall again?
Should I let go?
"Dan!" Her hear her breath hitch and she slams her fist against my back.
"Hey, why are you-" I hurriedly sit up to see her furrowed eyebrows and alarmed eyes and I pause.
"I thought you were dead." She innocently explains.
"How could I die? It's grass." I laugh and her concern is soon replaced by a smirk.
"You're so tall. That would have been a hard fall."
I shove her playfully.
"Where's the picnic?"
"Well, you chucked it when you idiotically fell over your own feet." Her grin increases as she leans over to grab the bag.
I clap my hands, grinning sheepishly up at the sky as she unwraps the sandwiches. I feel her gaze steady on me for a while before she turns away.
Willow then lounges on her side as she feasts on her pre-packed sandwich.
"Mmh." I splutter and she smiles, knowing my mouth is overfilled with food already.
"You're a great mate."
The idea of being her "mate" suddenly seems approving as she grins up at me.
I feel myself sigh as the thought expectedly hits me.
Let her go.

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