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"Dr Bekker." As Ava walked down the hallway, she came face to face with Dr Latham, standing authoritatively. Connor was there too, refusing to make eye contact with her. He didn't even turn his head when she came through the doors.

Ava stood in front of Dr Latham, feeling her stomach twist. This seemed important. "Thank you," he said, his expression unreadable. "I have information which will be of welcome news to you both," he went on.

Connor looked over at Ava, trying to read her expression. She didn't even flinch after that sentence. Still, she kept the perfect poker face. How could she do that? Both of them knew what she had done. 

"I pressed the lab to analyse the insulin that killed Mr Rhodes," Dr Latham continued. At hearing his father's name, Connor exhaled. He couldn't even bring himself to look at Ava again. He resented her, for just standing there with a straight face, knowing exactly what she had done.

"What's the point?" Ava asked, clearly. "It's untraceable." This was something that she knew, for a fact. Connor still did not look at her.

"Normally, yes," Dr Latham agreed, nodding slowly. "But I thought that no stone should be left unturned." He paused, looking Ava in the eye. "Well, it appears that this particular batch was ever so slightly contaminated with chromium, which is indeed traceable." 

Ava nodded, not giving anything away. Her mind was running at a million miles an hour, but from the outside, she still appeared calm. She couldn't let her guard down right now.

"And we will find, in no time, who had access to it," Dr Latham said, seeming confident. He looked at both Connor and Ava, letting out a small sigh.

"That's great news," Ava interjected. She could not let her voice waver now. She was already doing the calculations in her mind, how long it would take for her to be found out, how long she had.

"Yes, the police seem confident that they will wrap this up quickly which means that you two can stop accusing one another and my dep can get back to normal." Dr Latham said this firmly, but Ava could not look at him. She was still formulating a plan in her head, how to get out of this mess.

"Ava," Connor said, in a low voice. He turned to her, expecting to see some sort of reaction on her face, but instead was met with a cold glare. 

Ava turned away, walking into the OR, pushing the door open with force. Connor sighed. There was no way she was going to walk away from this. He followed her into the room, glaring.

"Ava," he said again, a harsher tone to his voice. Her back was turned, but this got her attention. She turned back around, her eyes wide. This was the first real reaction that Connor had seen on her face.

"Ava," Connor repeated, looking straight at her. He knew. He knew what Ava had done, and she knew that he knew. Connor took a step towards her.

"Give me an hour to get to O'Hare," Ava pleaded. This was the only way out that she could see. There was no other plan, no other strategy that she could try, in order to escape this. She had to go. "One hour, and you'll never see me again."

"No," Connor replied, his face stony. He would not let her get away. This seemed like Ava's last resort, the last plan that she had. He couldn't just let her leave.

"I did it for you," Ava sighed, her eyes widening. Why couldn't he understand? This was her last attempt to explain herself, the last attempt to find any reason to her actions.

"Ava, come on," Connor replied, shaking his head. She turned around, picking up something that he could not quite see. When Ava turned to face him again, he glanced down at her hands. She was holding a scalpel, gripping it tightly.

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